Англо-русский перевод BOLT

1) болт; винт; палец || скреплять болтами, закреплять болтами, сболчивать

2) стержень; шпилька; шкворень

3) засов; задвижка; язычок

4) сито || просеивать через сито

5) монтировать, устанавливать ( узел )

to bolt down — привинчивать; завинчивать; затягивать; притягивать

to torque the bolts — затягивать болты с заданным крутящим моментом

bolt with collar — болт с цилиндрическим буртом

bolt with double nib — болт с выступами под головкой

bolt with flange — болт с фланцем

bolt with square neck — болт с квадратным подголовком

- acorn hexagon head bolt

- adjusting bolt

- adjustment bolt

- anchor bolt

- arbor draw-in bolt

- attaching bolt

- attachment bolt

- barb bolt

- bearing head wheel bolt

- belting bolt

- belt-tensioning bolt

- binder bolt

- bonnet bolt

- bracket-mounting bolt

- bridge bolt

- carriage bolt

- cheese head bolt

- clamp bolt

- clamping bolt

- clasp bolt

- clevis bolt

- clip bolt

- conical bolt

- connection bolt

- cotter bolt

- countersunk head bolt

- countersunk headed bolt

- coupling bolt

- cup nibbed head bolt

- cup oval neck bolt

- cup-head bolt

- deck bolt

- deep flat countersunk bolt

- dog bolt

- double-end bolt

- double-ended bolt

- draw bolt

- drawback bolt

- draw-in arbor bolt

- draw-in bolt

- driving bolt

- expansion bolt

- eye bolt

- fang bolt

- fillister bolt

- fillister head bolt

- fin neck bolt

- fitter bolt

- fixing bolt

- flange bolt

- flat countersunk bolt

- flat head bolt

- foundation bolt

- gib-headed bolt

- grounding bolt

- hanger bolt

- hexagon fit bolt

- hexagon-head bolt

- hinge bolt

- hinged bolt

- hold-down bolt

- holding-down bolt

- hook bolt

- hooked bolt

- hydraulically preloaded bolt

- internal stud bolt

- joint bolt

- key bolt

- key head bolt

- key headed bolt

- lag bolt

- large key head bolt

- lifting eye bolt

- link bolt

- lock bolt

- loom bolt

- machine bolt

- masonry bolt

- mushroom head anchor bolt

- mushroom head bolt

- nibbed bolt

- octagon bolt

- oval binding head bolt

- oval neck bolt

- oval T-head bolt

- oven head bolt

- pinch bolt

- pivot bolt

- pointed bolt

- positioning bolt

- pressure bolt

- puller bolt

- rapid release bolt

- reamed bolt

- retaining bolt

- reverse key head bolt

- ribbed neck bolt

- roof bolt

- round head bolt

- screwed bolt

- screwed stay bolt

- self-impeding bolt

- serrated shank wheel bolt

- set bolt

- shoulder bolt

- shouldered bolt

- sink bolt

- snap head bolt

- spherical head bolt

- spiked bolt

- split bolt

- square countersunk head bolt

- square head bolt

- square neck bolt

- square shank bolt

- standard bolt

- stay bolt

- step bolt

- stop bolt

- stove bolt

- stud bolt

- T bolt

- tee bolt

- T-head bolt

- T-head planer bolt

- through bolt

- tie bolt

- tightening bolt

- toe-head bolt

- toggle bolt

- top bolt

- track bolt

- transporting bolt

- triangle head bolt

- truss head bolt

- U-bolt

- wedge bolt

- wing bolt

- wing-headed bolt

English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation 2.      Англо-Русский словарь по машиностроению и автоматизации производства 2.