Meaning of STOCK in English

n. 25B6; noun

the shop carries little stock : MERCHANDISE, goods, wares, items/articles for sale, inventory.

a stock of fuel : STORE, supply, stockpile, reserve, hoard, cache, bank, accumulation, quantity, collection.

farm stock : ANIMALS, livestock, beasts; flocks, herds.

blue-chip stocks : SHARES, securities, equities, bonds.

his stock is low with most voters : POPULARITY, favour, regard, estimation, standing, status, reputation, name, prestige.

his mother was of French stock : DESCENT, ancestry, origin(s), parentage, pedigree, lineage, line (of descent), heritage, birth, extraction, family, blood, bloodline.

chicken stock : BOUILLON, broth.

the stock of a weapon : HANDLE, butt, haft, grip, shaft, shank.

25B6; adjective

a stock size : STANDARD, regular, normal, established, set; common, readily/widely available; staple.

the stock response : USUAL, routine, predictable, set, standard, staple, customary, familiar, conventional, traditional, stereotyped, clichéd, hackneyed, unoriginal, formulaic.

non-standard, original, unusual.

25B6; verb

we do not stock GM food : SELL, carry, keep (in stock), offer, have (for sale), retail, supply.

the fridge was well stocked with milk : SUPPLY, provide, furnish, provision, equip, fill, load.

25A0; in stock FOR/ON SALE, (immediately) available, on the shelf.

25A0; stock up on/with AMASS SUPPLIES OF, stockpile, hoard, cache, lay in, buy up/in, put away/by, put/set aside, collect, accumulate, save; informal squirrel away, salt away, stash away.

25A0; take stock of REVIEW, assess, weigh up, appraise, evaluate; informal size up.

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