Meaning of HOOD in English

n. & v. --n. 1 a a covering for the head and neck, whether part of a cloak etc. or separate. b a separate hoodlike garment worn over a university gown or a surplice to indicate the wearer's degree. 2 Brit. a folding waterproof top of a motor car, pram, etc. 3 US the bonnet of a motor vehicle. 4 a canopy to protect users of machinery or to remove fumes etc. 5 the hoodlike part of a cobra, seal, etc. 6 a leather covering for a hawk's head. --v.tr. cover with a hood. øhood-mould (or -moulding) Archit. a dripstone. øøhoodless adj. hoodlike adj. [OE hod f. WG, rel. to HAT]

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