Meaning of COLLECT in English


1. to collect things

2. someone who collects things

3. things that have been collected


see also



1. to collect things

▷ collect /kəˈlekt/ [transitive verb]

▪ Arlene collects teddy bears.

▪ Nigel’s hobby is collecting rare books.

▪ Anyone who collects jazz records should buy this book. It’s full of information on old recordings.

2. someone who collects things

▷ collector /kəˈlektəʳ/ [countable noun]

coin/stamp/antiques etc collector

▪ He’s been a coin collector for years.

▪ The gallery was full of art collectors and dealers.

collector of

▪ He’s an avid collector of Beatles memorabilia.

3. things that have been collected

▷ collection /kəˈlekʃ ə n/ [countable noun]

a group of things that someone has collected because they are attractive or interesting :

coin/stamp etc collection

▪ Have you seen Alvin’s stamp collection?

collection of

▪ On the shelf was his mother’s collection of crystal vases.

▪ The museum has one of the world’s finest collections of Impressionist paintings.

▷ set /set/ [countable noun]

a complete collection of one type of object :

▪ The head teacher was presented with a set of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, worth more than £1,600.

complete set

▪ For sale - ‘The Guitarist’ magazine - complete set, 1984-1992.

set of

▪ a set of commemorative gold coins

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