Meaning of COME in English


Pronunciation: ' k ə m

Function: verb

Inflected Form: came \ ' k ā m \ ; come ; com · ing \ ' k ə -mi ŋ \

Etymology: Middle English, from Old English cuman; akin to Old High German queman to come, Latin venire, Greek bainein to walk, go

Date: before 12th century

intransitive verb

1 a : to move toward something : APPROACH < come here> b : to move or journey to a vicinity with a specified purpose < come see us> < come and see what's going on> c (1) : to reach a particular station in a series <now we come to the section on health> (2) : to arrive in due course <the time has come > d (1) : to approach in kind or quality <this come s near perfection> (2) : to reach a condition or conclusion < came to regard him as a friend> < come to think of it, you may be right> e (1) : to advance toward accomplishment : COME ALONG <the job is coming nicely> (2) : to advance in a particular manner < come running when I call> (3) : to advance, rise, or improve in rank or condition <has come a long way> f : EXTEND <her dress came to her ankles>

2 a (1) : to arrive at a particular place, end, result, or conclusion < came to his senses> < come untied> (2) : AMOUNT <the taxes on it come to more than it's worth> b (1) : to appear to the mind <the answer came to them> (2) : to appear on a scene : make an appearance <children come equipped to learn any language> c (1) : HAPPEN , OCCUR <no harm will come to you> (2) : to come to pass : take place ― used in the subjunctive with inverted subject and verb to express the particular time or occasion < come spring the days will be longer> d : ORIGINATE , ARISE <wine come s from grapes> <they come of sturdy stock> e : to enter or assume a condition, position, or relation <artillery came into action> f : to fall within a field of view or a range of application <this come s within the terms of the treaty> g : to issue forth <a sob came from her throat> h : to take form <churn till the butter come s > i : to be available <this model come s in several sizes> <as good as they come > j often vulgar : to experience orgasm

3 : to fall to a person in a division or inheritance of property

4 obsolete : to become moved favorably : RELENT

5 : to turn out to be <good clothes don't come cheap>

6 : BECOME <a dream that came true>

transitive verb

1 : to approach or be near (an age) <a child coming eight years old>

2 : to take on the aspect of < come the stern parent>

– come a cropper : to fail completely <the plan came a cropper >

– come across : to meet, find, or encounter especially by chance <researchers have come across important new evidence>

– come again : REPEAT also : to speak further ― used as an interrogative

– come clean : to tell the whole story : CONFESS < came clean about her crimes>

– come into : to acquire as a possession or achievement < come into a fortune>

– come into one's own : to achieve one's potential also : to gain recognition

– come of age : to reach maturity

– come off it : to cease foolish or pretentious talk or behavior

– come over : to seize suddenly and strangely <what's come over you>

– come to : to be a question of <when it comes to pitching horseshoes, he's the champ>

– come to grief : to encounter misfortune (as calamity, defeat, or ruin) <his campaign came to grief >

– come to grips with : to meet or deal with firmly, frankly, or straightforwardly < come to grips with the unemployment problem>

– come to oneself : to get hold of oneself : regain self-control

– come to pass : HAPPEN

– come to terms

1 : to reach an agreement ― often used with with <the company has come to terms with the union>

2 : to become adjusted especially emotionally or intellectually ― usually used with with < come to terms with modern life>

– come upon : to meet or find by chance : come across < came upon an old friend>

– to come : existing or arriving in the future <in the days to come > <there will be more trouble to come >

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.