Meaning of EDITIO PRINCEPS in English

Pronunciation: ā - ˌ di-t ē -( ˌ ) ō - ' pri ŋ - ˌ keps, i- ˌ di-sh ē -( ˌ ) ō - ' prin- ˌ seps

Function: noun

Inflected Form: plural edi · ti · o · nes prin · ci · pes \ ā - ˌ di-t ē - ' ō - ˌ n ā s- ' pri ŋ -k ə - ˌ p ā s, i- ˌ di-sh ē - ' ō -( ˌ )n ē z- ' prin(t)-s ə - ˌ p ē z \

Etymology: New Latin, literally, first edition

Date: 1802

: the first printed edition especially of a work that circulated in manuscript before printing became common

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.