Meaning of EXCUSE in English

Pronunciation: ik- ' skyüz, imperatively often ' skyüz

Function: transitive verb

Inflected Form: ex · cused ; ex · cus · ing

Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French escuser, excuser, from Latin excusare, from ex- + causa cause, explanation

Date: 13th century

1 a : to make apology for b : to try to remove blame from

2 : to forgive entirely or disregard as of trivial import : regard as excusable <graciously excused his tardiness>

3 a : to grant exemption or release to <was excused from jury duty> b : to allow to leave < excused the class>

4 : to serve as excuse for : JUSTIFY <nothing can excuse such neglect>

– ex · cus · able \ ik- ' skyü-z ə -b ə l \ adjective

– ex · cus · able · ness noun

– ex · cus · ably \ -bl ē \ adverb

– ex · cus · er noun

synonyms EXCUSE , CONDONE , PARDON , FORGIVE mean to exact neither punishment nor redress. EXCUSE may refer to specific acts especially in social or conventional situations or the person responsible for these < excuse an interruption> < excused them for interrupting>. Often the term implies extenuating circumstances <injustice excuses strong responses>. CONDONE implies that one overlooks without censure behavior (as dishonesty or violence) that involves a serious breach of a moral, ethical, or legal code, and the term may refer to the behavior or to the agent responsible for it <a society that condones alcohol but not narcotics>. PARDON implies that one remits a penalty due for an admitted or established offense < pardon a criminal>. FORGIVE implies that one gives up all claim to requital and to resentment or vengeful feelings <could not forgive their rudeness>.

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.