Meaning of PACK in English


Pronunciation: ' pak

Function: noun

Usage: often attrib

Etymology: Middle English, of Low German or Dutch origin; akin to Middle Low German & Middle Dutch pak pack

Date: 13th century

1 a : a bundle arranged for convenience in carrying especially on the back b : a group or pile of related objects c (1) : a number of individual components packaged as a unit <a pack of gum> (2) : CONTAINER (3) : a compact unitized assembly to perform a specific function (4) : a stack of magnetic disks in a container for use as a storage device

2 a : the contents of a bundle b : a large amount or number : HEAP <a pack of lies> c : a full set of playing cards

3 a : an act or instance of packing b : a method of packing

4 a : a set of persons with a common interest : CLIQUE b : an organized unit (as of Cub Scouts)

5 a (1) : a group of domesticated animals trained to hunt or run together (2) : a group of often predatory animals of the same kind <a wolf pack > (3) : a large group of individuals massed together (as in a race) b : WOLF PACK

6 : a concentrated or compacted mass (as of snow or ice)

7 : wet absorbent material for therapeutic application to the body

8 a : a cosmetic paste for the face b : an application or treatment of oils or creams for conditioning the scalp and hair

9 : material used in packing

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.