Meaning of TAKE in English


Function: noun

Date: 1654

1 : something that is taken: a : the amount of money received : PROCEEDS , RECEIPTS , INCOME b : SHARE , CUT <wanted a bigger take > c : the number or quantity (as of animals, fish, or pelts) taken at one time : CATCH , HAUL d : a section or installment done as a unit or at one time e (1) : a scene filmed or televised at one time without stopping the camera (2) : a sound recording made during a single recording period especially : a trial recording

2 : an act or the action of taking: as a : the action of killing, capturing, or catching (as game or fish) b (1) : the uninterrupted photographing or televising of a scene (2) : the making of a sound recording

3 a : a local or systemic reaction indicative of successful vaccination (as against smallpox) b : a successful union (as of a graft)

4 : a visible response or reaction (as to something unexpected) <a delayed take >

5 : a distinct or personal point of view, outlook, or assessment <was asked for her take on recent developments> also : a distinct treatment or variation <a new take on an old style>

– on the take : illegally paid for favors

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.