Meaning of UNDER in English

prep. under deadline

Newcastle under Lyme

under pain of

under the thumb

under arrest

under one's belt

under one's breath

build a fire under

under the counter

under cover

down under

under fire

go under

under the gun

under the hammer

under one's hat

under heel

hot under the collar

under the influence

knuckle under

under one's nose

plow under

pull the rug from under

under the rose

under sail

under seal

sit under

under the skin

under one's skin

snow under

under the sun

under the table

under one's thumb

under way

under weigh

under the weather

under the wind

under one's wing

under the wire

Down Under

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.