Meaning of BAY in English

[bay] adj [ME, fr. MF bai, fr. L badius; akin to OIr buide yellow] (14c): reddish brown "a ~ mare"

[2]bay n (1535) 1: a bay-colored animal; specif: a horse with a bay-colored body and black mane, tail, and points--compare chestnut 4, [1]sorrel 1

2: a reddish brown [3]bay n [ME, fr. MF baee opening, fr. OF, fr. fem. of bae, pp. of baer to gape, yawn--more at abeyance] (14c) 1: a principal compartment of the walls, roof, or other part of a building or of the whole building

2: a main division of a structure

3: any of various compartments or sections used for a special purpose (as in an airplane, spacecraft, or service station) "bomb ~" "cargo ~"

4: bay window 1

5: a support or housing for electronic equipment [4]bay vb [ME baien, abaien, fr. OF abaiier, of imit. origin] vi (14c) 1: to bark with prolonged tones

2: to cry out: shout ~ vt 1: to bark at

2: to bring to bay

3: to pursue with barking

4: to utter in deep prolonged tones [5]bay n (14c) 1: a baying of dogs

2: the position of one unable to retreat and forced to face danger "brought his quarry to ~"

3: the position of one checked "police kept the rioters at ~" [6]bay n, often attrib [ME baye, fr. MF baie] (14c) 1: an inlet of the sea or other body of water usu. smaller than a gulf

2: a small body of water set off from the main body

3: any of various terrestrial formations resembling a bay of the sea [7]bay n [ME, berry, fr. MF baie, fr. L baca] (15c) 1 a: the European laurel (Laurus nobilis) b: any of several shrubs or trees (as of the genera Magnolia, Pimenta, and Gordonia) resembling the laurel

2. a: a garland or crown esp. of laurel given as a prize for victory or excellence b: honor, fame--usu. used in pl.

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