Meaning of BRICK in English

[brick] n, often attrib [ME bryke, fr. MF brique, fr. MD bricke] (15c) 1 pl bricks or brick : a handy-sized unit of building or paving material typically being rectangular and about

2. 1/4 by 3 3/4 by

8. inches (57 by 95 by 203 millimeters) and of moist clay hardened by heat

2: a good-hearted person

3: a rectangular compressed mass (as of ice cream)

4: a semisoft cheese with numerous small holes, smooth texture, and often mild flavor

5: gaffe, blunder--used esp. in the phrase drop a brick

[2]brick vt (1592): to close, face, or pave with bricks--usu. used with up, in, or over

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