Meaning of DISTINGUISH in English

[dis.tin.guish] vb [MF distinguer, fr. L distinguere, lit., to separate by pricking, fr. dis- + -stinguere (akin to L instigare to urge on)--more at stick] vt (1561) 1: to perceive a difference in: mentally separate "so alike they could not be ~ed"

2. a: to mark as separate or different b: to separate into kinds, classes, or categories c: to give prominence or distinction to "~ed themselves in music" d: characterize 3 a: discern "~ed a light in the distance" b: to single out: take special notice of ~ vi: to perceive a difference -- dis.tin.guish.abil.i.ty n -- dis.tin.guish.able adj -- dis.tin.guish.ably adv

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