Meaning of HEAR in English

[hear] vb heard ; hear.ing [ME heren, fr. OE hieran; akin to OHG horen to hear, and prob. to L cavere to be on guard, Gk akouein to hear] vt (bef. 12c) 1: to perceive or apprehend by the ear

2: to gain knowledge of by hearing 3 a: to listen to with attention: heed b: attend "~ mass"

4. a: to give a legal hearing to b: to take testimony from "~ witnesses" ~ vi 1: to have the capacity of apprehending sound

2. a: to gain information: learn b: to receive communication "haven't heard from her lately"

3: to entertain the idea--used in the negative "wouldn't ~ of it" 4--often used in the expression Hear] Hear] to express approval (as during a speech) -- hear.er n

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