Meaning of TUG in English

[tug] vb tugged ; tug.ging [ME tuggen; akin to OE togian to pull--more at tow] vi (14c) 1: to pull hard

2: to struggle in opposition: contend

3: to exert oneself laboriously: labor ~ vt 1: to pull or strain hard at

2. a: to move by pulling hard: haul b: to carry with difficulty: lug

3: to tow with a tugboat -- tug.ger n

[2]tug n (15c) 1 a: [3]trace 1 b: a short leather strap or loop c: a rope or chain used for pulling

2. a: an act or instance of tugging: pull b: a strong pulling force 3 a: a straining effort b: a struggle between two people or opposite forces

4: tugboat

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