Meaning of STAGE III MELANOMA in English

The tumor may be of any thickness, with or without ulceration, and may have spread to 1 or more nearby lymph nodes. Stage III is divided into stages IIIA, IIIB, and IIIC.In stage IIIA, the cancer may have spread to as many as 3 nearby lymph nodes, but can be seen only with a microscope. In stage IIIB, the cancer has spread to as many as 3 lymph nodes and may not be visible without a microscope, or has satellite tumors (additional tumor growths within 1 inch of the original tumor) and has not spread to lymph nodes. In stage IIIC, the cancer either has spread to as many as 4 or more lymph nodes and can be seen without a microscope, or has lymph nodes that may not be moveable, or has satellite tumors and may have spread to lymph nodes.

NCI English Dictionary of Cancer Terms.      Английский словарь раковых терминов NCI(Национальный институт злокачественных новообразований).