Meaning of DIAMOND in English

n., adj., & v.


1. a precious stone of pure carbon crystallized in octahedrons etc., the hardest naturally-occurring substance.

2 a figure shaped like the cross-section of a diamond; a rhombus.

3 a a playing-card of a suit denoted by a red rhombus. b (in pl.) this suit.

4 a glittering particle or point (of frost etc.).

5 a tool with a small diamond for glass-cutting.

6 Baseball a the space delimited by the bases. b the entire field.


1. made of or set with diamonds or a diamond.

2 rhombus-shaped.

--v.tr. adorn with or as with diamonds.

Phrases and idioms:

diamond cut diamond wit or cunning is met by its like. diamond jubilee the 60th (or 75th) anniversary of an event, esp. a sovereign's accession. diamond wedding a 60th (or 75th) wedding anniversary.


diamondiferous adj.

Etymology: ME f. OF diamant f. med.L diamas diamant- var. of L adamas ADAMANT f. Gk

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