Meaning of TICKET in English

v a little note or notice.

2. ticket ·v a tradesman's bill or account.

3. ticket ·v a label to show the character or price of goods.

4. ticket ·vt to distinguish by a ticket; to put a ticket on; as, to ticket goods.

5. ticket ·vt to furnish with a tickets; to book; as, to ticket passengers to california.

6. ticket ·v a certificate or token of a share in a lottery or other scheme for distributing money, goods, or the like.

7. ticket ·v a printed list of candidates to be voted for at an election; a set of nominations by one party for election; a ballot.

8. ticket ·v a small piece of paper, cardboard, or the like, serving as a notice, certificate, or distinguishing token of something.

9. ticket ·v a certificate or token of right of admission to a place of assembly, or of passage in a public conveyance; as, a theater ticket; a railroad or steamboat ticket.

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