Meaning of SUM UP in English

I. transitive verb

1. : to be the sum of : bring to a total

10 victories summed up his record

2. : to bring or collect into a small compass : state succinctly : summarize , recapitulate , epitomize

sum up the evidence presented

values they can sum up in a few simple formulas — Herbert Croly

came at the end of an epoch in culture and summed it up magnificently — R.A.Hall b.1911

a phrase which sums up the quality of the cathedral schools — R.W.Southern

intransitive verb

1. : to present a summary or recapitulation

2. : to be expressed or summarized

it sums up in exactly three words — W.A.Johnston

II. transitive verb

Britain : assess 4

that skilled, professional inspection … with which we sum each other up — Doris Lessing

Webster's New International English Dictionary.      Новый международный словарь английского языка Webster.