Meaning of HEAD in English



upper part of the body

1) to nod; shake one's ~

2) to bare; bow; drop, hang, lower; lift, raise; move; poke, stick; scratch; toss; turn one's ~ (to scratch one's ~ in amazement; to poke one's ~ around the comer)

3) to hold one's ~ high ('to be proud')

4) from ~ to foot

length of a horse's ~

5) by a ~ (our horse won by a ~)


6) to lose one's ~

7) a cool, level ~ (to keep a level ~)


8) to count ~s


9) to use one's ~

10) to cram, fill, stuff smb.'s ~ (with nonsense)

11) a clear ~

12) to have a ~ for (figures)


13) to bring smt. to a ~

14) to come to a ~ (the boil came to a ~; when will the crisis come to a ~?)

front part

15) at the ~ (of a column)


16) a titular ~


( esp. BE )

17) a department ~, a ~ of (the) department ( AE usu. has chairman , chairperson )


18) a thick ~ of hair; success went to his ~ ('his success made him conceited'); ~ over heels ('completely'); ~s up ('watch out'); to get smt. through one's ~ ('to finally comprehend smt.'); to hang one's ~ in shame ('to be greatly embarrassed'); to be ~ and shoulders above smb. ('to be greatly superior to smb.'); to keep one's ~ above water ('to survive barely'); over one's ~ ('incomprehensible'); out of one's ~ ('delirious'); to make ~ or tail of ('to comprehend'); to put ~s together ('to collaborate'); prejudice reared its ugly ~ ('prejudice appeared'); he took it into his ~ to leave ('he decided suddenly to leave')



1) ( d ; intr. ) ('to go') to ~ for (to ~ for the city; to ~ for a downfall)

2) ( P ; intr. , tr. ) they ~ed (their boat) east

The Bbi combinatory dictionary of English, a guide to word combinations.      Комбинаторный словарь английского языка Bbi. Руководство по словосочетаниям.