Meaning of SAVE in English



action that prevents an opponent from scoring

1) to make a ~

2) a brilliant, spectacular ~



1) ( C ) ~ a place for me; or: ~ me a place

2) ( D ; intr. , tr. ) to ~ for (they are ~ing for a new car; to ~ money for a new TV)

3) ( D ; tr. ) to ~ from (to ~ valuable records from destruction)

4) ( D ; intr. ) to ~ on (during the mild winter we ~d on fuel)

5) ( O ) it will ~ you the trouble of making a second trip; the computer will ~ us a lot of time

The Bbi combinatory dictionary of English, a guide to word combinations.      Комбинаторный словарь английского языка Bbi. Руководство по словосочетаниям.