transcription, транскрипция: [ подумать ]
1. (о пр. ) think* (of, about); (над; размышлять ) consider ( d. ), turn over in one's mind ( d. ), reflect (upon), think* (over), ponder (over)
он никогда не думает о других — he never considers, или thinks of, other people, he never takes other people into consideration
2. тк. несов. ( без доп. ; полагать ) think*, believe
они всё ещё думали, что — they still believed that
3. (+ инф. ; намереваться ) think* (of ger. ); ( более определённо ) intend (+ to inf. ); ( в отрицат. предл. об. ) have the intention (of ger. ); ( надеяться ) hope (+ to inf. ); plan (+ to inf. )
он думает уезжать — he thinks of going away, he intends to go away
они не думали о прекращении занятий — they had no intention / thought of terminating their studies; it never entered their minds to terminate their studies
они думали воспользоваться ( тв. ) — they intended / hoped to take advantage, или to avail themselves (of)
4. (о пр. ; проявлять заботу о ком-л., чём-л. ) be concerned (about)
не долго думая — without a moment's thought
много о себе думать — be conceited; think* very well, или highly, или too much, of oneself, have a high opinion of oneself; think* no small beer of oneself идиом. разг.
не думаю ( едва ли ) — I scarcely / hardly think so; I doubt it
я думаю! ( конечно ) — I should think so!; of course!
и не думаю (+ инф. ) — I would not dream (of ger. ), it hasn't (even) entered my head (+ to inf. )
и думать не смей — (+ инф. ) don't dare (+ to inf. ); ( без доп. ) don't you dare!
кто бы мог подумать — I would never have thought it