1) сопротивление 2) стойкость; устойчивость • resistance to motion — сопротивление движению - abrasion resistance - active resistance - additional resistance - air resistance - anti-roll resistance - ascent resistance - climbing resistance - cold resistance - compression resistance - cornering resistance - corrosion resistance - draft resistance - drawbar resistance - electrical resistance - exhaust resistance - fade resistance - filter resistance - flow resistance - frontal resistance - frost resistance - grade resistance - head resistance - high temperature fade resistance - hydraulic resistance - impact resistance - intake resistance - ohmic resistance - oil resistance - rebound resistance - resistance to axial compression - resistance to pitting - resistance to suction - rolling resistance - running resistance - skid resistance - tire rolling resistance - total running resistance - tractive resistance - wear resistance - wind resistance
Англо-русский перевод RESISTANCE
Тверитнев М.В.. English-Russian car dictionary Russo. Англо-Русский автомобильный словарь Руссо. 2005