Англо-русский перевод RESISTANCE

1) сопротивление; сопротивляемость; прочность ( см. тж strength . )

2) стойкость, устойчивость

3) эл. (активное) сопротивление

4) резистор

5) коэффициент затухания

resistance in waves — сопротивление ( судна ) при ходе на волнении;

resistance to case — сопротивление относительно корпуса, сопротивление относительно земли;

resistance to corrosion fatigue — коррозионно-усталостная прочность;

resistance to flooding — непотопляемость ( судна ) ;

resistance to interference — помехоустойчивость;

resistance to jamming — помехозащищенность;

resistance to pit corrosion — сопротивление питтинговой коррозии;

resistance to poisoning — стойкость ( катализатора ) к отравлению;

resistance to tracking — сопротивление токам поверхностного разряда

- abrasion resistance

- abrasive wear resistance

- abrasive resistance

- ac resistance

- acid resistance

- acoustic resistance

- active resistance

- aerodynamic resistance

- aging resistance

- air resistance

- alkali resistance

- antenna resistance

- antiinterference resistance

- apparent resistance

- appendages resistance

- arc resistance

- armature resistance

- ascent resistance

- asynchronous resistance

- back resistance

- bacterial resistance

- balancing resistance

- ballast resistance

- bare-hull resistance

- barrier-layer resistance

- bearing resistance

- bending resistance

- bleeder resistance

- block resistance

- blocking resistance

- body resistance

- bond resistance

- booster resistance

- bossing resistance

- brake resistance

- branch resistance

- brittle fracture resistance

- brush resistance

- buckling resistance

- bulk resistance

- burden resistance

- calibrating resistance

- calm-water resistance

- cathode-interface layer resistance

- cathode-interface resistance

- channel resistance

- charging resistance

- chemical resistance

- climbing resistance

- cohesive resistance

- coil resistance

- cold resistance

- collapse resistance

- commutation wear resistance

- compressive resistance

- concussion resistance

- contact pressure resistance

- contact resistance

- corona resistance

- corrosion resistance

- coupling resistance

- crack growth resistance

- crack initiation resistance

- crack resistance

- creep resistance

- criticalbuild-up resistance

- crushing resistance

- cubic resistance

- curving resistance

- cutting resistance

- dark resistance

- dc copper resistance

- dc resistance

- dead resistance

- decoupling resistance

- deep-water resistance

- devitrification resistance

- dielectric resistance

- differential resistance

- diffusion resistance

- dirtiness resistance

- discharge resistance

- displacement resistance

- distributed resistance

- drag resistance

- dynamic resistance

- earth-connection resistance

- eddy-making resistance

- eddy resistance

- edge tearing resistance

- effective resistance

- elastic resistance

- electrical resistance

- electrode resistance

- electrolytic resistance

- end resistance

- environmental resistance

- equivalent resistance

- erosion resistance

- erosive wear resistance

- etch resistance

- fatigue resistance

- fault resistance

- field resistance

- field-coil resistance

- filament resistance

- fire resistance

- flange resistance

- flat crush resistance

- flexing resistance

- flexural resistance

- flow resistance

- folding resistance

- footing resistance

- forward resistance

- fracture extension resistance

- frame resistance

- free rolling resistance

- freeze resistance

- freeze-thaw resistance

- freezing resistance

- friction heat resistance

- frost resistance

- fungus resistance

- glass attack resistance

- go-and-return resistance

- grease hardening resistance

- head resistance

- heat resistance

- heat-transfer resistance

- hf resistance

- hot-corrosion resistance

- hot-tear resistance

- humidity resistance

- hydraulic resistance

- hydrodynamic resistance

- ice resistance

- impact resistance

- impulse resistance

- incremental resistance

- indentation resistance

- induced resistance

- input resistance

- insertion resistance

- insulation resistance

- interface-layer resistance

- interface resistance

- intergranular corrosion resistance

- internal resistance

- intrinsic corrosion resistance

- ionic resistance

- joint resistance

- junction resistance

- lateral resistance

- leadresistance

- leakage resistance

- light resistance

- linear resistance

- load resistance

- locomotive resistance

- loop resistance

- loss resistance

- low-frequency resistance

- lumped resistance

- magnetic resistance

- mass-transfer resistance

- mechanical resistance

- mildew fungus resistance

- mildew resistance

- moisture resistance

- momentum resistance

- motional resistance

- naked-hull resistance

- negative phase-sequence resistance

- negative sequence resistance

- negative resistance

- net train resistance

- neutral resistance

- noise resistance

- nonlinear resistance

- normal resistance of superconductor

- off resistance

- ohmic resistance

- oil resistance

- on resistance

- optimum linearizing load resistance

- outflow resistance

- output resistance

- overall resistance

- oxidation resistance

- parallel resistance

- parasitie resistance

- peeling resistance

- picking resistance

- plug resistance

- positive phase-sequence resistance

- positive sequence resistance

- pressure resistance

- preventive resistance

- puncture resistance

- pure resistance

- radiation resistance

- radio-frequency resistance

- rail resistance

- rated resistance

- rated zero-power resistance

- real resistance

- reduced resistance

- relative wear resistance

- replica resistance

- residual resistance

- resonant resistance

- reverse resistance

- rf resistance

- rolling resistance

- roughness resistance

- rough-water resistance

- rub resistance

- running resistance

- sag resistance

- salt resistance

- scale resistance

- score resistance

- seismic resistance

- separation resistance

- series resistance

- setup resistance

- shearing resistance

- sheet resistance

- shock resistance

- shrink resistance

- shunt resistance

- shunt-breaking resistance

- skid resistance

- skirt contact resistance

- slag resistance

- sliding resistance

- slip resistance

- small-signal resistance

- snag resistance

- source resistance

- spalling resistance

- specific magnetic resistance

- specific resistance

- spray resistance

- spring resistance

- stain resistance

- standard resistance

- starting resistance

- static resistance

- streamline-flow resistance

- stress crack resistance

- structure-footing resistance

- support resistance

- surface resistance

- surge resistance

- switching wear resistance

- switch-off resistance

- switch-on resistance

- takeoff resistance

- tear resistance

- temperature resistance

- terminal resistance

- thermal contact resistance

- thermal resistance

- thermal shock resistance

- tire rolling resistance

- tool wear resistance

- torsional resistance

- total resistance

- towing resistance

- tracking resistance

- traction resistance

- train resistance

- train shunt resistance

- transient resistance

- true resistance

- turning resistance

- twisting resistance

- ultimate resistance

- vapor resistance

- variable resistance

- viscous resistance

- voltage-dependent resistance

- volume resistance

- vortex resistance

- wake traverse resistance

- water resistance

- water-contact resistance

- wave resistance

- wave-breaking resistance

- wave-forming resistance

- wear resistance

- weather resistance

- wet skid resistance

- wetting resistance

- white-rust resistance

- wind resistance

- wrinkle resistance

- yield resistance

- zero phase-sequence resistance

- zero-power resistance

Big English-Russian polytechnic dictionary .      Большой Англо-Русский политехнический словарь.