I. rə̇ˈzistən(t)s, rēˈz- noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French resistence resistance, from Late Latin resistentia, from Latin resistent-, resistens, (present participle of resistere to resist) + -ia -y
1. : the act or an instance of resisting : passive or active opposition ; also : a means or method of resisting
unfold to us some warlike resistance — Shakespeare
2. : power or capacity to resist ; especially : the inherent ability of an animal or plant body to resist untoward circumstances (as disease, toxic agents, or infection) — compare immunity , susceptibility
3. : an opposing force : a force tending to prevent motion or other action : a retarding force
the resistance of the air to a body passing through it
good resistance to wear
grade resistance of a railroad
a. : the property of a body whereby it opposes and limits the passage through it of a steady electric current — see ohm's law ; compare acoustic resistance
b. : a source of resistance ; specifically : resistor
5. : the retardation of a boat passing through the water due to (1) the friction between its wetted surface and the water, (2) the making of eddies or dead water, or (3) the formation of waves — called also respectively (1) frictional resistance, skin resistance, (2) eddy resistance, (3) wave resistance
6. : a mechanism of ego defense wherein a psychoanalysis patient rejects, denies, or otherwise opposes therapeutic efforts by the analyst — compare mechanism of defense
7. often capitalized : an organized underground movement of a conquered country made up of groups of fighters engaged in sabotage and secret operations to thwart, waylay, and otherwise wear down occupation forces and often also in punishing collaborators among fellow countrymen — often used with the
a former member of the French resistance
II. noun
: resistance level herein