1) цементирующая среда; вяжущее (вещество) 2) цемент; цементный раствор || цементировать; скреплять или обмазывать цементным раствором 3) схватываться (о цементном растворе) 4) клей, клеящее вещество || склеивать, приклеивать 5) замазка • to cast in cement — заливать цементным раствором; to displace cement — продавливать цемент; to cement in — цементировать; заливать цементным раствором; to secure with cement — 1. ставить на цементе 2. ставить на клею - acid-resistant cement - air-entraining hydraulic cement - alumina cement - asbestos cement - asphalt cement - bituminous cement - blast-furnace slag cement - blast-furnace cement - blended cement - calcareous cement - calcium aluminate cement - colored cement - diatomaceous earth cement - diesel-oil cement - expanded cement - extra-rapid-hardening cement - fast-setting cement - film cement - fire cement - flooring cement - gasket cement - general-purpose Portland cement - gypsum cement - high-alkali cement - high-alumina cement - high-early-strength cement - high-grade cement - hydraulic cement - hydrophobic cement - insulating cement - iron cement - Keene's cement - lime cement - low-alkali cement - low-early-strength cement - low-grade cement - low-heat-of-hydration cement - low-heat cement - low-limed cement - low-slag cement - low-strength cement - magnesia cement - mastic cement - metallurgical cement - modified cement - natural cement - neat cement - noncontracting cement - nonstaining cement - oil-field cement - oil-in-water emulsion cement - oil-well cement - ordinary Portland cement - oxychloride cement - Parian cement - pavement cement - plasticized cement - porcelain cement - Portland blast-furnace slag cement - Portland blast-furnace cement - Portland cement - portland-pozzolana cement - portland-pozzolan cement - pozzolana cement - pozzolanic cement - quick-setting cement - rapid-hardening cement - rapid-setting cement - refractory cement - retarded cement - road cement - Roman cement - scavenger cement - selenitic cement - self-stressing cement - silicate-based cement - slag cement - slow-setting cement - standard cement - straight cement - sulfate-resistant cement - sulfoaluminate cement - supersulfated cement - type I cement - type II cement - type III cement - type IP cement - type IS cement - type IV cement - type V cement - ultrahigh early strength cement - waterproof cement - water-repellent cement - water-retentive cement - white cement
Англо-русский перевод CEMENT
РУССО. Big English-Russian polytechnic dictionary Russo. Большой Англо-Русский политехнический словарь РУССО. 1997