момент to take moment about point — определять момент относительно точки; to take bending moment — воспринимать изгибающий момент; работать на изгиб moment of area — статический момент площади сечения - aerodynamic moment - bending moment - breaking moment - capsizing moment - centifugal moment - central moment - core moment - current moment - dead-load moment - desing moment - dipole moment - electric dipole moment - end restraint moment - exciting moment - first moment - first moment of area - fixed-end moment - fixing moment - girder moment - heeling moment - hogging moment - hydraulic moment - magnetic dipole moment - magnetic moment - moment of couple - moment of deflection - moment of force - moment of inertia - moment of momentum - moment of resistance - moment of rotation - moment of stability - negative moment - overturning moment - pitching moment - pitch moment - plastic moment of resistance - polar moment of inertia - polar second moment of area - population moment - positive moment - reaction moment - resultant moment - resulting moment - righting moment - rolling moment - rotational moment - sagging moment - sample moment - second moment of area - stability moment - stabilizing moment - starting moment - static moment - sum moment - thrust moment - tilting moment - transfer moment - transient moment - transitional moment - trimming moment - trim moment - turning moment - twisting moment - waterplane moment of inertia - wave bending moment - yawing moment
Англо-русский перевод MOMENT
РУССО. Big English-Russian polytechnic dictionary Russo. Большой Англо-Русский политехнический словарь РУССО. 1997