Англо-русский перевод PITCH

1) шаг (напр. заклёпок, спирали, резьбы воздушного винта) 2) изменять шаг 3) метал. ход (шагающих балок) 4) длина проступи (лестницы) 5) наклон; уклон 6) угол наклона 7) горн. падение пласта 8) мор. килевая качка || испытывать килевую качку 9) мор. дифферент при килевой качке 10) возд. тангаж 11) возд. угол тангажа || изменять угол тангажа 12) раскачка (транспортного средства) относительно поперечной оси, авто, ж.-д. тж. "галопирование" 13) основной тон (речевого сигнала) 14) высота тона 15) пек; смола; вар; дёготь 16) (природный) асфальт 17) смолка || смолить бочку 18) обтёсывать камень долотом 19) партия товара 20) швейн. втачивание рукава с обеспечением баланса • pitch at root — шаг (гребного винта) у корня лопасти; pitch at tip — шаг (гребного винта) у концевой кромки лопасти; in coarse pitch — возд. в режиме большого шага; in fine pitch — возд. в режиме малого шага - absolute pitch - actual pitch - adjustable pitch - apparent pitch - array pitch - average pitch of roughness - base pitch - blade pitch - bone tar pitch - boom pitch - bucket pitch - chain pitch - character pitch - coal-tar pitch - coarse pitch - coil pitch - coke pitch - coke-oven tar pitch - collective pitch - combed claw pitch - commutator pitch - constant pitch - controllable pitch - corrugation pitch - cracked pitch - design pitch - diameter pitch - double pitch - effective pitch - even pitch - face pitch - feed pitch - fine pitch - fixed pitch - flat pitch - frame pitch - gas work tar pitch - geometric pitch - glance pitch - grid pitch - hard pitch - hydrodynamic pitch - irregular pitch - lake pitch - lead pitch - lead-screw pitch - lignite tar pitch - line pitch - main rotor pitch - medium pitch - medium-soft pitch - mineral pitch - needle pitch - oil gas tar pitch - perforation pitch - petroleum pitch - pine tar pitch - pitch of corrugations - pitch of film - pitch of pipes - pitch of roof - pitch of stairs - pitch of strand - pitch of winding - polar pitch - producer gas tar pitch - propeller pitch - proportional pitch - residual pitch - reverse pitch - rivet pitch - roll pitch - roofer pitch - rosin pitch - seaming pitch - seat pitch - shallow pitch - soft pitch - soluble pitch - sprocket pitch - standard pitch - stearine pitch - steep pitch - stitching pitch - straight-run pitch - strand pitch - tar pitch - teeth pitch - track pitch - variable pitch - varied pitch - video track pitch - virtual pitch - water gas pitch - winding pitch - wood-tar pitch - wood pitch - wrist pitch

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