Англо-русский перевод COURSE

1) направление; курс; течение 2) ряд (каменной кладки, черепичной кровли) 3) водоток, русловой поток 4) слой 5) путь 6) геод. направление и длина линии 7) курс (обучения) 8) класть (ряд кирпичей, черепицы) • to provide training course — предоставить курс обучения to take a course of training — проходить курс обучения - asphalt binder course - backing course - backup course - band course - barge course - base course - bed course - bedding course - belt course - binder course - binding course - blocking course - bond course - bonder course - bottom course - brick course - brick soldier course - brick-on-edge course - brick-on-end course - completion of a course - corbel course - course of brickwork - course of construction - course of crystallization - course of diagonal bricks - course of headers - course of masonry - course of stretchers - course of timber - creasing course - cushion course - damp-proof course - dog-tooth course - double course - footing course - golf course - grade course - half-stone course in a vault - header course - lacing course - last course of bricks - levelling course - lintel course - oversailing course - penetration surface course - plinth course - race course - ring course - seal course - shaping course - sill course - soldier course - split course - stretching course - string course - surface course - training course - tumbling course - upper course - verge course - water course - wearing course

Быков В.В., Поздняков А.А.. English-Russian dictionary of construction and new building technologies.      Англо-Русский словарь по строительству и новым строительным технологиям.