1) лист; плита; пластинка; пластина 2) жесть; листовой металл 3) опорный деревянный брус; мауэрлат; верхний брус обвязки 4) нижняя обвязка; подстропильная вязка 5) сланец 6) листовое, зеркальное стекло 7) гравюра 8) циферблат 9) номерной знак 10) обшивать металлическим листом • - acoustical plate - adjusting plate - air diffuser plate - aluminium plate - anchor plate - angular plate - articulated plate - baffle plate - base plate - batten plate - bearing plate - bed plate - bloom base plate - bottom plate - brass plate - buckle plate - capacity plate - card plate - ceiling plate - ceramized plate - channelled plate - chord plate - chuck plate - clad plate - column base plate - composite plate - corner plate - corrugated plate - crawler plate - crown plate - crushing plate - curb plate - curved plate - deck plate - diaphragm plate - distributing plate - door plate - doubling plate - dressing plate - dual-coat plate - earth plate - eaves plate - elastic plate - eliminator plate - end plate - filler plate - finger plate - finishing plate - fixing plate - flange plate - flat plate - flexible plate - flitch plate - folder plates - foundation anchor plate - foundation plate - front plate - fuel plate - glass plate - ground plate - gusset plate - head plate - hinge plate - hitch plate - inner plate - insulating roof deck plate - iron plate - joint plate - key plate - leaded bevelled plate - letter-box plate - letter-drop plate - levelling plate - light plate - light-gauge plate - liner plate - mallet plate - margin plate - masonry plate - metal plate - mop plate - mould plate - orthotropic plate - outside studding plate - partition plate - partition studding plate - patch plate - patent plate - pin plate - poling plate - push plate - rafter plate - raising plate - reinforcement plate - reinforcing plate - return plate - ribbed plate - roadbed base plate - rolled plate - roller plate - sandwich plate - setting plate - side plate - skin plate - sleeper plate - solid plate - splice plate - staff plate - stainless steel plate - stamped plate - stay plate - stiffened plate - stiffening plate - stove plate - straightening plate - strap plate - swash plate - synthetic wool plate - tamping plate - thick plate - thin plate - thin ribbed plate - top flange plate - trimming plates - truss-bearing plate - vibrating plate - wall plate - web plate - wobble plate - zinc plate
Англо-русский перевод PLATE
Быков В.В., Поздняков А.А.. English-Russian dictionary of construction and new building technologies. Англо-Русский словарь по строительству и новым строительным технологиям. 2003