[plate] n [ME, fr. OF, fr. plate, fem. of plat flat, fr. (assumed) VL plattus, prob. fr. Gk platys broad, flat--more at place] (14c) 1 a: a smooth flat thin piece of material b (1): forged, rolled, or cast metal in sheets usu. thicker than 1/4 inch (6 millimeters) (2): a very thin layer of metal deposited on a surface of base metal by plating c: one of the broad metal pieces used in armor; also: armor of such plates d (1): a lamina or plaque (as of bone or horn) that forms part of an animal body; esp: scute (2): the thin under portion of the forequarter of beef; esp: the fatty back part--see beef illustration e: home plate f: any of the large movable segments into which the earth's crust is divided according to the theory of plate tectonics
2. [ME; partly fr. OF plate plate, piece of silver; partly fr. OSp plata silver, fr. (assumed) VL platta metal plate, fr. fem. of plattus flat] a obs: a silver coin b: precious metal; esp: silver bullion 3 [ME, fr. MF plat dish, plate, fr. plat flat] a: domestic hollowware made of or plated with gold, silver, or base metals b: a shallow usu. circular vessel from which food is eaten or served c (1): a quantity to fill a plate: plateful (2): a main course served on a plate (3): food and service supplied to one person "a dinner at $10 a ~" d (1): a prize given to the winner in a contest (2) Brit: a horse race in which the contestants compete for a prize of fixed value rather than stakes e: a dish or pouch passed in taking collections f: a flat glass dish used chiefly for culturing microorganisms
4. a: a prepared surface from which printing is done b: a sheet of material (as glass) coated with a light-sensitive photographic emulsion c (1): the usu. flat or grid-formed anode of an electron tube at which electrons collect (2): a metallic grid with its interstices filled with active material that forms one of the structural units of a battery d: license plate
5: a horizontal structural member that provides bearing and anchorage esp. for the trusses of a roof or the rafters
6: the part of a denture that fits to the mouth; broadly: denture 7: a full-page illustration often on different paper from the text pages 8: a schedule of matters to deal with "have a lot on my ~ now" -- plate.ful n -- plate.like adj
[2]plate vt plat.ed ; plat.ing (14c) 1: to cover or equip with plate: as a: to provide with armor plate b: to cover with an adherent layer mechanically, chemically, or electrically; also: to deposit (as a layer) on a surface
2: to make a printing surface from or for
3: to fix or secure with a plate
4: to cause (as a runner) to score in baseball