Англо-русский перевод COMMAND

1) команда (см. тж instruction, order); директива 2) управлять; подавать команды • to issue a command — подавать команду to run the command — исполнять команду to try the command again — пытаться повторно выполнить команду command takes effect — команда оказывает воздействие - append command - attention command - automatic scale command - backup command - bad command - break command - brief command - cancel command - chain command - channel command - control command - copy command - ctty command - cut command - date command - debug command - dimmed command - diskcomp command - displayed command - dot command - edit command - enable-service-interrupt command - exit command - expansion command - export command - external command - filter command - find command - font command - format command - fragile command - generic command - graftabl command - halt command - hard-to-type command - help command - high-level command - illegal command - improper command - internal command - issuing the command - label command - log command - merge command - mode command - more command - motion command - multiple keystroke command - named command - nonindexed command - object command - operator command - paste command - path command - pause command - ping command - placement command - position command - print command - program-chain command - program-load command - prompted command - quit command - recover command - search command - sentence-like command - set command - share command - sift command - single-character command - single-keystroke command - slave command - software command - sort command - spoken command - stacked commands - stereotyped command - structured command - subst command - system command - system-level command - time command - tree command - type command - unnumbered command - unused command - user command - ver command - verbal command - verify command - voice command - vol command - why command - zoom command - zooming command

Масловский Е.К.. English-Russian dictionary of computer science.      Англо-Русский словарь по вычислительной технике и программированию.