transcription, транскрипция: [ kəˈmɑ:nd ]
v. & n. 1 (often foll. by to + infin., or that + clause) give formal order or instructions to (commands us to obey; commands that it be done). 2 (also absol.) have authority or control over. 3 a (often refl.) restrain, master. b gain the use of; have at one's disposal or within reach (skill, resources, etc.) (commands an extensive knowledge of history; commands a salary of ø40,000). 4 deserve and get (sympathy, respect, etc.). 5 Mil. dominate (a strategic position) from a superior height; look down over. --n. 1 an authoritative order; an instruction. 2 mastery, control, possession (a good command of languages; has command of the resources). 3 the exercise or tenure of authority, esp. naval or military (has command of this ship). 4 Mil. a a body of troops etc. (Bomber Command). b a district under a commander (Western Command). 5 Computing a an instruction causing a computer to perform one of its basic functions. b a signal initiating such an operation. øat command ready to be used at will. at (or by) a person's command in pursuance of a person's bidding. command module the control compartment in a spacecraft. Command Paper (in the UK) a paper laid before Parliament by command of the Crown. command performance (in the UK) a theatrical or film performance given by royal command. command post the headquarters of a military unit. in command of commanding; having under control. under command of commanded by. word of command 1 Mil. an order for a movement in a drill etc. 2 a prearranged spoken signal for the start of an operation. [ME f. AF comaunder, OF comander f. LL commandare COMMEND]