I. noun
a commanding lead (= a big lead )
Alonso raced into a commanding lead.
be in command of the army
He had gained respect and was placed in command of the army.
chain of command
Symonds is third in the chain of command.
command a majority (= have a majority )
They were one seat short of being able to command a majority in parliament.
command a salary formal (= be able to get a particular salary )
Which graduates command the highest salaries?
command a view ( also afford a view formal ) (= if a place commands or affords a view, you can see that view from there )
The room commanded an excellent view of the river.
command module
command performance
command post
command respect (= be respected )
Lady Thatcher commanded huge respect from everyone she worked with.
commanding officer
a commanding officer of the SAS
enjoy/command support formal (= have support )
His views were too extreme to command general support.
high command
the German High Command
inspire/command sb's loyalty (= make someone feel loyal to you )
He inspires extraordinary loyalty among his staff.
line of command
Decisions are taken by senior officers and fed down through the line of command to the ordinary soldiers.
obey an order/command/instruction
The first duty of a soldier is to obey orders.
sb’s command of a language (= someone’s ability to speak a language )
Does he have a good command of the language?
This may be partly because neither the president nor the high command is confident that parts of the army might not rebel.
At that point, higher command would take control of the unit.
They all went to Maeda's residence in Jakarta; he sent messages to the high command , but nobody turned up.
Far away, artillery and helicopter units were alerted by higher command .
Foreign currency profits translated into tuition for the progeny of the high command .
The military high command , led by coup leader and Armed Forces C.-in-C.
Letelier, who was replaced by Gen. Carlos Carvallo Yáñez, was moved to perform other tasks in the army high command .
The two armies have patently failed to form a joint command .
In 1472 he was given joint command of an armed force sent to sea to resist the king's enemies.
The five-year agreement provided for regular consultations between the two ministries and supreme military commands .
Chennault had become a major general by this time, and had his own independent military command , the Fourteenth Air Force.
They even partitioned the archipelago into three quite separate military commands .
The company wanted to create a military command center resembling the bridge of the Starship Enterprise.
The military high command , led by coup leader and Armed Forces C.-in-C.
The fact that he was entirely unsuited for military command , being incapable of making a decision, was irrelevant.
This command centre is handy to use for your own files and is great when you're designing applications at work.
This command centre works better than using toolbar buttons to open files, especially with novice users.
In contrast, no one can overlook this command centre !
Close down Excel and load it again, but this time your command centre worksheet is automatically loaded.
This also eliminates the need to scroll to find data, which would defeat the purpose of having a command centre .
It's a useful addition to make to your command centre as the text links will be more descriptive than icons.
The girl-thing was in the command centre .
But there may be powerful grounds for saying that the command economy , is the culprit, rather than the management of it.
The collapse of the command economy has given way to a good deal of racketeering and corruption.
First, no country has a political economy that corresponds exactly to either the market economy or the command economy.
There was wide disagreement about where and how to start dismantling the command economy , but none about the direction for progress.
As an ideal type, however, a command economy need not be committed to such egalitarianism.
The two ideal-type political economies are the market economy and the command economy.
SYLOGIN.COM SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM is your system-wide login command file .
The module referred to by the keyword BUILT-BY is the command file which builds i.e compiles, links etc. the package.
An example of a successful run of the startup command file is shown in Figure 2.2, Example Process Startup.
Note that the startup command file automatically reclaims unused space in the mail file.
Finally, batch files are covered in detail explaining why we use these compact command files and what each batch command does.
If there is not a group called Startup, you need to create one using the command File New Group.
SYSTARTUP-V5.COM SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP-V5.COM is your site-specific system startup command file .
But, because it's a command language and not a page description language the facilities it possesses are adequate rather than sophisticated.
And the C-based virtual object command language has been enlarged to over 500 commands, making the system more accessible to non-programmers.
Users make their requests in a simple command language .
Mercifully, the Windows shell offers you tick boxes instead of command line switches to make life a little easier.
Both are really unfriendly, as they're driven by command line switches.
The reports also criticise ill-defined command lines .
The final mode is described as Command mode, and, essentially, gives command line access to the FastLynx program.
It's ideal for die-hard command line aficionados, and brings with it lots of switches and specifiers.
You have not included the name of the batch queue in the command line .
Changes were made to the command module .
Beneath them the underside of the command module comprised a specially designed shield that protected them from the heat of re-entry.
The command module pilot faced the centre of the panel.
Consider the atmosphere in the Apollo command module .
The coolant could then be circulated back into the command module .
The command module would then use its parachutes to land.
Their role was to pull the main three-parachute system from the command module .
Figure 4.21 A view of the Skylab station from the command module used in the third and final mission.
In 1925 the sketch was featured in the royal command performance .
A command post was operating in Rukaramu.
The demonic forces have their command post in the basement offices of the psychology department.
Regrouping at the Colonel's command post began around 0300 hours, 90 minutes after landing.
The occasional sound of small-arms fire punctuated the lunchtime action at the company command post .
The government forces concentrated their efforts on the destruction of the Mbari command post .
We got three bunkered command posts destroyed here.
The living room was fitted as a command post with radio and large-scale maps on the wall.
My office became the temporary command post .
The sequence generator produces the phase control signals and is triggered by step command pulses from a constant frequency clock.
The first step command is then sent to the excitation sequence control, which changes the phase excitation in the motor.
The step commands are also input to the downcounter, which records the instantaneous position of the system relative to the target.
The position detector pulse sent to the control unit is used to generate the next step command .
South Ossetia's nationalist fighters were estimated to number 3,000, although they had no united command structure .
Marshall argued, correctly, that this would create an unworkable command structure .
The command structure of authority may be shown by an organisation chart, or may be documented in schedules or manuals.
The authors were not insensitive to the problems the dual command structure presents.
Everyone had their place in a civilian command structure that was echoed by the ranks of the Home Guard.
The command structure , then, began at court and centred around the king.
The military command structure of the Khmer Rouge is tight at the top and loose at the bottom.
Job control can be ineffective if the command structure is not properly laid down.
He more willingly identifies himself as Clinton's loyal lieutenant, ready to assume full command .
The thirty-four-year-old general assumed command of all the troops in the Washington area only six days after Bull Run.
Once more, the contrast with Lanfranc, who assumed command with easy confidence, is striking.
Since he outranked Beauregard, Johnston assumed top command .
Or does another fish quickly take over and assume command ?
Meanwhile, Paredes arrived at Lagos and immediately assumed command of the forces there.
Don Steuer, assumed command of the combined Coronado base.
Jean-Jacques Dessalines assumed command of the army in 1803.
This will execute a command in every subdirectory of a hard disk.
Only tap Enter to start a new paragraph, after a heading, or to execute a command .
Even so, he was given a garrison command at Rockingham.
I heard him give a command and right after the command it sounded like a lightning crash....
The mahout, as he gives a command , reinforces the order with leg pressure just as if riding a horse.
This macro sets the printer for single sheets and gives the command to print full text. 10.
Not having to give verbal commands seemed uncanny at first, but before long it just seemed natural.
You define the macro by deciding which keystrokes are activated and which keys are used to give the command .
Money is also a claim in that it gives the holder command over goods and services in the market place.
Soon after the hostilities recommenced, General Winfield Scott was given command of the army in Florida.
Even had Schumacher issued the command to stop, it would have been futile.
You can not issue a command from within a program that will remove it.
Ronni got in, feeling a welcome dart of annoyance at the way he had issued that curt command .
Without a grumble she forced protesting muscles to obey her commands .
The father did not obey the holders or commands , he uttered them.
I fell under his freezing spell, obeying all his commands without thinking.
The nurse would not obey her own commands .
Thus, Ahab is relieved to know that Star-buck does finally obey his commands .
In a choice between meekly obeying his commands and being publicly humiliated there really was no choice.
She stood transfixed, with one hand out, but her fingers failed to obey the command to take the proffered bag.
By placing Franco in overall command , the Nationalists made a quantum leap forward in their efforts to secure victory.
It says Exxon recklessly contributed to the accident by knowingly placing an alcoholic in command of the supertanker.
When Barracouta's captain died in 1823 Vidal was placed in command and confirmed in the rank of commander.
Falkenhayn was relieved of his command by the Kaiser in August and replaced by Hindenburg and Ludendorff.
Within two weeks of the attack, both men were relieved of their commands and automatically demoted to two-star rank.
It was a dismal day at Frederick when the news was promulgated that General Hooker was relieved of the command .
Army officers whose commissions were based on nothing more than a personal friendship with Santa Anna were relieved of their commands .
This is exactly what happened when John MacLeod was relieved of his command .
John Bond's side never got a look in as Quakers took command in the first half hour.
It swept a road weekend in Arizona and thereby took command of the conference race.
Women are taking command of organised crime: negotiating syndicate structures, mapping strategy, clinching deals and ordering executions.
He directed me to take command .
About ten years later this policy was changed, enabling senior officers to take command .
However, Lincoln took command , using an 11-4 edge for the victory.
But to change the text, you had to exit that mode, using a specific command , and enter edit mode.
To display both documents, use the WordPerfect Window command .
Unfortunately the filters used in the command module were the wrong shape to fit into the lunar module.
The same Program Item can be included in several program groups by selecting it and using the copy command .
All statements can also be used as direct commands .
relieve sb of their post/duties/command etc
your wish is my command
Admiral Collingwood gave the command to open fire.
An officer stood on one of the tanks and began shouting commands through a loudspeaker.
Fire when I give the command .
If any of the King's subjects refused to obey one of his commands, they were put to death.
These pilots belong to the Southern Air Command .
A 12-hour alarm sounds off at your command .
I heard him give a command and right after the command it sounded like a lightning crash....
I ignored his command and took off after him, racing along as fast as my legs could carry me.
Money Your finances are looking healthy and you feel confident that you're in command of your cash.
That protecting Union line once broken left my command not only on the right flank but obliquely in rear of it.
The command structure, then, began at court and centred around the king.
The Allied command was not unified.
We do advise you to dig out the manual that came with your modem to help make sense of the relevant commands.
II. verb
The interest of the episode lies in Gloucester's ability to command his brother's men, even in controversial assignments.
And in those 50 years, the ability of members to command outside income has been vastly eroded.
She knew its subterranean power, its ability to command loyalty.
A neutral head of proved ability who would command the confidence of the Nation is hard to find.
It doesn't say much for her ability to command respect - and respect is not the same as fear.
If Krupp commanded his armies of workers, Richard Wagner expected total subservience from his audience.
Short was a three-star lieutenant general commanding the Army in Hawaii.
But he still commands the army , and the loyalty of many of its officers.
Montgomery was appointed to command the Eighth Army .
Similar concerns exist about the respect that the armed forces chief, Admiral Widodo, commands among senior army officers.
If any sector commands attention for the immediate future of food, it is the women.
Fund raising and development of new academy facilities will likely command the attention of her successor.
It has an urgency and personalization that commands attention .
The megaliths command our attention , inspiring us with awe and curiousity.
Although the place has periodically been a restaurant as well as a bar, never before has the food commanded such attention .
The dinosaurs alone have commanded as much popular attention as the rest of the fossil animal kingdom combined.
However, it is the watch tower beside them that commands the attention .
Sridevi commands a fee of around £40,000 a movie.
If her program beats me, her broker could use that to command higher fees .
Ariabignes, one of the older half-brothers, commanded the fleets of Ionia and Karia.
The appointment of Nagumo, whose speciality was torpedo warfare, to command the First Air Fleet was an example.
In August of the following year he commanded another fleet bringing Louis much needed reinforcements.
Rear-Admiral von Reuter, anticipating renewed conflict, commanded his fleet of seventy-two ships to be either scuttled or beached.
Not only do they command force , but they exert a moral appeal as well.
Yet open markets still command intense loyalty .
But in the long run the city of Mondovi could not command the loyalties of its dependent territory.
She knew its subterranean power, its ability to command loyalty .
Much will depend on whether the government of Mr Hun Sen can continue to command the loyalty of its troops and bureaucrats.
He commands uncommon loyalty from workers despite sometimes harsh personnel policies.
Because of this tradition and the power of their numbers, these organizations command deep loyalty from the workers.
The National Party, the party of government since 1948, continues to command a majority in the House of Assembly.
Even in re-election, he fell a shade shy of commanding a majority .
Proposals for the expansion of post-school education are therefore likely to command majority support.
Such coalitions are especially important in legislatures where no single party commands a majority .
The difficulty is to find a solution that will command majority support in the House.
He insisted that his new administration could command a majority in the country's 38-member legislature.
Last year they still commanded a majority - 54 percent.
The idea is to reward young artists who would rarely command their highest price on the first sale.
Tighter health budgets mean new drugs have to be very good indeed to command high prices .
But local producers have lesser reputations and command lower export prices .
For example, Treasury 10.5% 1999 at present commands a price of £104 15/16 to give a gross redemption yield of 10.01%.
Guillaume was interested in him again as his work was beginning to command higher prices .
Let market forces rip, they thought, and talent would automatically command its market price .
It's a pity the recommended individual commanded too high a price .
Before he was shot down he commanded a Hurricane squadron and was promoted Wing Commander while he was recovering from his injuries.
On the company news front, brewing giant Whitbread commanded centre stage .
Amid the glorious columned arches and baroque ornamentation of the Academy, Frederick Taylor commanded center stage .
From the moment he appeared, bathed in white-hot light, Manson commanded the stage .
Carter turns out to be formidable, commanding and a real stage actress.
Programmes would wither away if they did not command sufficient local support .
This is an all-star team that commands support and respect.
The coterie of would-be revolutionaries commanded no widespread support .
It is a standard which even today does not command the support of a majority of this Court....
Proposals for the expansion of post-school education are therefore likely to command majority support .
There are other changes which would command general support .
Clearly, this is a programme which could command considerable support , but its development has been impeded by several problems.
The difficulty is to find a solution that will command majority support in the House.
He, himself, commanded a unit and its armoury included two Thompson sub-machine guns.
The lighthouse and cottages are still lived in and command extensive views of Hull waterfront and the Humber Bridge.
From the porch of Fembank, he had a commanding view of Mitford.
Its most impressive feature, a large round tower or donjon, commands an eastern view of the Dee estuary.
Though the summit commands a view of many miles in all directions, no sign of man is any longer visible.
I ran into the house and upstairs into Mrs Goreng's dressing-room, which commanded the best view .
Her porch commanded a view fit for an empress.
But it was kind of him to have organised this - and at least they would command a good view of the bridge.
Now bereft of roofs and windows, its sightless eyes command a superb view of the Swale far below.
your wish is my command
Admiral Boyle commanded the entire crew to assemble on deck.
Dr. Young commands a great deal of respect as a surgeon.
Ford Motor Co. commands 16% of the market.
Giannuli's office commands a view of the Capitol Dome in Sacramento.
Lee commanded the 101st Airborne division in World War II.
The King had the power to command that parliament be dissolved.
Traditionally, miners commanded higher wages than other workers.
Almost all those provisions command bipartisan support.
And yet you command me - speaking with your father's voice - to answer you.
Her porch commanded a view fit for an empress.
I commanded an officers training corps.
Its most impressive feature, a large round tower or donjon, commands an eastern view of the Dee estuary.
Received opinion in the art world is that he could command tens of thousands for each portrait.
Top free agent tackles have been commanding $ 3 million a year.