1) заметка; запись; записка [c crimson]|| делать заметки; записывать; замечать; отмечать; принимать к сведению
2) примечание; ссылка
3) накладная
4) извещение; авизо
5) долговая расписка; простой вексель
6) билет; банковский билет; банкнот (а) ; кредитный билет
7) нота, краткосрочная или среднесрочная долговая ценная бумага
- notes payable
- note payable on demand
- notes receivable
- note a bill
- note down
- note prices
- note protest
- note of hand
- accomodation note
- anticipation note
- bank note
- bank notes by denomination
- bank notes in circulation
- Bank of England note
- bond note
- bought note
- broker's contract note
- collateral note
- consignment note
- contract note
- counterfeit bank note
- covering note
- credit note
- debit note
- delivery note
- demand note
- Federal Reserve Bank note
- five-pound note
- floating-rate notes
- foreign note
- freight note
- gold note
- goods received note
- inland note
- joint note
- large denomination bank note
- legal tender notes
- master note
- mortgage note
- negotiable note
- pound note
- project note
- promissory note
- promissory note made out to bearer
- Reserve Bank note
- sale note
- Sherman notes
- short-term note
- stock note
- subrogated note
- tax note
- transfer note
- Treasury note
- variable amount note
- variable rate note