1) суд; судья; судьи; судебное присутствие 2) двор (королевский) 3) дворцовый приём 4) законодательное собрание; заседание законодательного собрания 5) время, назначенное для слушания дела в суде 6) амер. правление, дирекция (напр. предприятия) • court above — вышестоящий суд; court and jury — суд и присяжные; arm of court — отделение, орган суда; court below — нижестоящий суд; court christian — церковный суд; court in bank — см. full court; court in camera — суд в закрытом заседании; in open court — в открытом судебном заседании; court in session — суд в заседании; court in term time — суд во время отправления своих функций; court in vacation — суд, распущенный на каникулы; court not of record — суд, не ведущий письменного производства; to appear in court — предстать перед судом; to bring before [into] the court — предать суду; to hold court — осуществлять правосудие; to refer to court — направить в суд; to stand court — предстать перед судом; to take to court — представить, направить в суд, предать суду court of general criminal jurisdiction — суд общеуголовной юрисдикции court of general trial jurisdiction — суд первой инстанции общей юрисдикции courts of «pie poudre», courts of «piepoudre», courts of «piepowders» — суды «запылённых ног» (суды упрощённой юрисдикции по спорам, возникающим на базарах и ярмарках) court of record of general jurisdiction — суд письменного производства общей юрисдикции trial court of general jurisdiction — суд первой инстанции общей юрисдикции - adult court - ambulatory court - appeals court - appeal court - arbitration court - Archdeacon's court - assize court - attend the court - bankruptcy court - Barmote courts - base court - Bishop's court - borough court - burlaw court - canon court - circuit court of appeals - circuit court - city court - civil court - civil law court - commissary court - common law court - competent court - consistory court - constitutional court - consular court - coroner's court - corporation court - county court - court of aldermen - court of apellate jurisdiction - court of arbitration - court of assize and nisi prius - court of assizes - court of bankruptcy - court of chivalry - court of common law - court of competent jurisdiction - court of conciliation - court of construction - court of criminal correction - court of equity - court of error - court of first appearance - court of general sessions - court of highest resort - court of honour - court of impeachment - court of industrial relations - court of inquiry - court of judiciary - court of justice - court of last resort - court of law - court of limited jurisdiction - court of nisi prius - court of original jurisdiction - court of oyer and terminer - court of primary jurisdiction - court of quarter sessions - court of record - court of referees - court of review - court of small claims - court of special jurisdiction - court of staple - court of summary jurisdiction - court of superior jurisdiction - court of swainmote - court of the communions - court of the United States - court of trial - court of wards - criminal court - customs court - deciding court - diocesan court - district court - divided court - divorce court - domestic court - domestic relations court - ecclesiastical court - election court - equity court - ex parte court - family court - federal court - final court - full court - general court - general sessions court - higher court - hundred court - industrial court - inferior court - intermediate court - investigating court - judicial court - justice's court - juvenile court - kangaroo court - land court - law court - lay court - legislative court - lower court - magistrate's court - magistrate court - manorial court - maritime court - martial-law court - mayor's court - merchant's court - military court - minor court - minor criminal cases court - misdemeanor court - mixed court - moot court - multi-judge court - municipal court - national court - naval court - nisi prius court - nonjury court - one-judge court - open court - ordinary court - parish court - police court - prize court - provincial court - recorder's court - regular court - reviewing court - revising barristers' court - sentencing court - small claims cases court - special court - specialized court - spiritual court - state court - statutory court - steward's court - summary court - superior court - supervising court - territorial district courts - traffic court - trial court - tribal court - unanimous court - United States bankruptcy court - vacation court - vice-admiralty courts
Англо-русский перевод COURT
Андрианов С.Н., Берсон А.С.. English-Russian law dictionary . Англо-Русский юридический словарь. 2003