1) заявление; утверждение; изложение; формулировка 2) показания; дача показаний 3) мотивировка решений 4) отчёт; баланс 5) ведомость; расчёт; смета • statement in pleading — 1. заявление при обмене состязательными бумагами 2. заявление, сделанное в состязательной бумаге 3. выступление адвоката в суде; statement in the nature of confession — конклюдентное признание вины; statement on oath — заявление под присягой; statement through interrogation — заявление при допросе; to take a statement — отобрать заявление; statement upon record — запротоколированное заявление - admissible statement - admittedly true statement - admittedly untrue statement - affidavit statement - agreed statement of facts - anonymous statement - ante-mortem statement - average statement - birth statement - bona fide statement - budget statement - carrier's statement - consistent statement - contradicting statement - damning statement - defamatory statement - direct statement - dying statement - expert's statement - extrajudicial statement - false statement - financial statement - follow-up statement - former statement - hearsay statement - immaterial statement - impugnable statement - impugned statement - inciting statement - inconsistent statement - incontradictory statement - initial statement - instigating statement - joint statement - jurisdictional statement - last statement - legal statement - libellous statement - mutinous statement - negative statement - opening statement - oral statement - original statement - out-of-court statement - parol statement - partial statement - police statement - positive statement - pre-imposition statement - pre-testamentary statement - previous statement - procuring statement - prompting statement - proving statement - provocating statement - recorded statement - reported statement - riotous statement - salvage statement - seducing statement - self-contradicting statement - signed statement - slanderous statement - specific statement - statement of account - statement of action - statement of charge - statement of claim - statement of defence - statement of fact - statement of facts - statement of law - statement of motivation - statement of novelty - statement of offence - statement of opposition - statement of particulars - statement of prosecution - statement of the accused - statement of the cause of action - statement of venue - sworn statement - treacherous statement - treasonous statement - true statement - unsigned statement - unsworn statement - untrue statement - valuable statement - valueless statement - without-prejudice statement - written statement
Англо-русский перевод STATEMENT
Андрианов С.Н., Берсон А.С.. English-Russian law dictionary . Англо-Русский юридический словарь. 2003