1) цилиндр; цилиндрическая деталь 2) барабан 3) баллон, цилиндрический резервуар 4) цилиндрическая контрольная оправка • - acetylene cylinder - actuating cylinder - actuator cylinder - air cylinder - air hydraulic cylinder - air-chucking cylinder - air-operated cylinder - air-powered cylinder - air-regulated cylinder - base cylinder - brake cylinder - broach cylinder - broach lifter cylinder - broach retriever cylinder - broaching cylinder - buffer cylinder - coaxial cylinder - collet closer cylinder - combing cylinder - compensating cylinder - compressor cylinder - counterbalance cylinder - cushioned cylinder - cylinder of generation - differential cylinder - double-acting cylinder - double-acting power cylinder - double-rod cylinder - feed cylinder - filtration cylinder - fluid power cylinder - fluid pressure cylinder - grinding cylinder of abrasive cloth - grinding cylinder - half-style cylinder - head counterbalance cylinder - holding cylinder - hydraulic cylinder - hydropneumatic cylinder - inside cylinder - leading cylinder - lift cylinder - lifting cylinder - main cylinder - marking cylinder - master base cylinder - master cylinder - noncushioned cylinder - oblique cylinder - oil pressure cylinder - oil pressure operated cylinder - oil-regulated cylinder - operating cylinder - outside cylinder - overhung cylinder - oxygen cylinder - pilot cylinder - piston cylinder - pitch cylinder - pitch reference cylinder - plunger cylinder - plunger ram cylinder - pneumatic cylinder - pneumatic-hydraulic cylinder - position-sensing cylinder - power cylinder - recessed cylinder - reference cylinder - release cylinder - rodless cylinder - rod-type cylinder - roofed cylinder - root cylinder - rotary cylinder - rotating cylinder - single power cylinder - single rod cylinder - single-acting cylinder - slave cylinder - spring-oil cylinder - square cylinder - straight cylinder - superimposed cylinder - swing cylinder - telescope cylinder - telescoping cylinder - tie-rod-type cylinder - tip cylinder - working cylinder
Англо-русский перевод CYLINDER
Воскобойников Б.С., Митрович В.Л.. English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation. Англо-Русский словарь по машиностроению и автоматизации производства. 2003