_v. 1> узнавать, опознавать; He recognized his wife's handwriting. This bird is easily recognized from the unusual shape of its tail. 2> признавать (что-л., кого-л.); to recognize a new government - признать новое правительство; to recognize smb. as lawful heir - признать кого-л. законным наследником; The operation is not recognized as legal in many states. It did not take long for him to he recognized as the natural leader of his society. 3> выражать признание, одобрение 4> сознавать, осознавать; to recognize one's duty - понимать свой долг; He recognized that he was not qualified for the post.
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English-Russian Muller's dictionary 24 edition. Англо-Русский словарь Мюллера 24 редакция. 2012