transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈre-kig-ˌnīz, -kəg- ]
transitive verb
( -nized ; -niz·ing )
Etymology: modification of Anglo-French reconois-, stem of reconoistre, from Latin recognoscere, from re- + cognoscere to know — more at cognition
Date: circa 1532
1. : to acknowledge formally: as
a. : to admit as being lord or sovereign
b. : to admit as being of a particular status
c. : to admit as being one entitled to be heard : give the floor to
d. : to acknowledge the de facto existence or the independence of
2. : to acknowledge or take notice of in some definite way: as
a. : to acknowledge with a show of appreciation
recognize an act of bravery with the award of a medal
b. : to acknowledge acquaintance with
recognize a neighbor with a nod
a. : to perceive to be something or someone previously known
recognized the word
b. : to perceive clearly : realize
• rec·og·niz·abil·i·ty ˌre-kig-ˌnī-zə-ˈbi-lə-tē, -kəg- noun
• rec·og·niz·able ˈre-kəg-ˌnī-zə-bəl, -kig- adjective
• rec·og·niz·ably -blē adverb
• rec·og·niz·er noun