а. пройти через что-л. The snow was so deep that the climbers could not get through to the hut. б. справиться с чем-л.; выдержать экзамен How many of your students got through? в. провести (законопроект) We should have no difficulty getting the new law through, it has been demanded by the public for some time. г. пройти (о законопроекте) д. дозвониться (to) I tried to telephone you but I couldn't get through. е. быть понятым, дать понять (to) The politician had difficulty getting his message through (to the crowd). ж. закончить (работу) (with) Telephone me when you get through, and we'll have dinner together. з. выживать I don't know how poor people get through these cold winters. и. тратить, использовать Jim gets through a lot of beer while watching football on television every Saturday. к. разобраться с кем-л. (with) Wait till I get through with you, your own mother won't recognize you!
Англо-русский перевод GET THROUGH
Мюллер. English-Russian Muller's dictionary bed edition. Англо-Русский словарь Мюллера редакция bed. 2012