1) клетка 2) ячейка 3) камера • - cold target NK cell - educated cell - passenger cells - absorbing cell - accessory cell - accessory pigment cell - acidophil cell - acinar cell - acoustic hair cell - adipose cell - adventitional cell - air cell - allergized cell - allogenerated cell - allogenerated killer cell - allogenic cell - alpha cell - amoebocytic cell - amoeboid cell - anaphylactic target cell - antheridial cell - antibody-armed cell - antibody-coated cell - antibody-containing cell - antibody-forming cell - antibody-generating cell - antibody-producing cell - antigen-educated cell - antigen-experienced cell - antigen-exposed cell - antigen-presenting cell - antigen-responsive cell - antigen-sensitive cell - antigen-specific cell - apical cell - archesporial cell - argyrophil cell - attacker cell - atypical cardiac muscle cell - autoaggressive cell - autoimmune helper cell - autologous responding cell - auxilliary cell - bacterial cell - Baer's cell - basal anal cell - basal cell - basket cell - basophil cell - bee's cells - beta cell - Betz cell - binucleate cell - bipolar cell - B-lineage cell - blood cell - body cell - bone cell - boosted memory cell - bottle cell - bristle cell - broad cell - brown fat cell - burst-forming cell - bystander tumor cell - caliciform cell - cameloid cell - canal cell - cancer cell - cancerous cell - carrier-primed cell - carrier-specific T helper cell - cartilaginous cell - cell of Bergmann's fiber - cell of Fanana - centroacinar cell - chalice cell - chlorophyll-containing cell - chromaffin cell - chromatophore cell - ciliated cell - Claudius' cell - cleavage cell - clonogenic cell - closed cell - clumped cells - cluster-forming cells - collagen-producing cell - collar cell - collared flagellate cell - columnar cell - committed cell - common lymphoid stem cell - common myeloid stem cell - companion cell - ConA-induced suppressor cell - cone cell - contrasuppressor T cell - Coombs' positive red cell - Corti's cell - counting cell - couple cell - covering cell - Craig-type dialysis cell - CSF-producing cell - cuboidal cell - culture-origin cell - cycling cell - cytocidal cell - cytotoxic cell - cytotoxic T cell - daughter cell - decidual cell - Deiters' cell - delayer-type T cell - demilune cells - dentinal cell - discal cell - distal retinula cell - dividing cell - dormant cell - drone cell - durative cell - dust cells - EAC-rosetting cell - EA-rosetting cell - effector cell - egg cell - elementary cell - embryo cell - embryonic cell - enamel cell - end cell - enterochromaffin cell - eosinophil cell - ependymal cell - epidermal cell - epithelial cell - epithelial glial cell - E-rosetting cell - ethmoidal air cells - excitatory cell - exocrine cell - F+ cell - fat cell - fatty cell - F-cell - feeder cell - flame cell - flask cell - floor cell - flow cell - flow-through cell - fluorescence-bright cell - fluorescence-dull cell - follicular cell - foot cell - formative cell - founder cell - free cell - Freund's cells - ganglionic nerve cell - generative cell - genetical storage cells - germ cell - germinal cell - Gey's HeLa epithelial cells - giant cell - gland cell - glandular cell - glass-adherent cell - glass-nonadherent cell - glia cell - glial Golgi cell - glomerulosa cells - GNA cell - goblet cell - Golgi cell - Gram-negative cell - Gram-positive cell - granule cell - granulobasal cell - guard cell - hair cell - hapten-binding cell - hapten-primed cell - haptenylated cell - HeLa cells - helper cell - hemic cell - hemolysin-coated cell - hemopoietic cell - Hensen's cell - hepatic cell - Hersch's cell - high-producer cell - histoincompatible cells - horizontal cell - horizontal spindle-shaped nerve cell - horn cell - Hortega cell - host cell - hybrid cell - hybridoma cell - hydropot cell - Ig-secreting cell - ill-defined cell - immature cell - immobilized cells - immune cell - immunocompetent cell - immunoglobulin-producing cell - immunologically committed lymphoid cell - immunoregulatory cell - inclusion-bearing cell - initial cell - inner hair cell - interstitial cell - interstitial glandular cell of testis - intestinal acidophil cell - iris cell - iris pigment cell - irritation cell - islet cell - isotype-uncommitted B cell - juvenile B cell - juvenile cell - K-cell - killer cell - Kupffer cell - Langhans cell - large-field cell - lasso cell - Leydig's cell - liber cells - light-producing cell - lip cell - living cell - lutein cell - lymph cell - major mastoid air cell - male cell - malignant cell - mantle cell - Marchand's cell - marginal cell - marrow cell - mast cell - mastoid air cell - mastoid cell - mature cell - mechanical cell - memory cell - meristematic cell - mesenchyme cell - migratory cell - mini cell - mitral cell - mixed-lineage cells - mobile cell - modified self cell - mononuclear cell - mossy cell - mother cell - multinucleate cell - myeloid cell - myeloma cell - naked cell - natural cytotoxic cell - natural killer cell - natural suppressor cell - NC cell - nerve cell - nerve multipolar cell - nettling cell - neurosecretory cell - NK cell - NK-sensitive cell - noncorrectly fused cells - noncycling cell - nonproliferating cell - nonspiking cell - NS cell - nurse cell - nutritive cell - oil cell - olfactory cell - open cell - osseous cell - osteogenetic cell - outer limiting cell - outer phalangeal cell - outer supporting cell - pairing cell - palisade cell - Paneth cell - parenchymatous cell - parent cell - parietal cell - passage cell - pavement cell - pericapillary cell - pheochrome cell - photogenic cell - photoreceptor cell - pigment cell - pillar cell - pituitary cell - plankton counting cell - plant cell - plaque-forming cell - plasma cell - pluripotential cell - pole cell - postfusional cell - postmitotic mature cell - pre-B cell - precommitted cell - prekiller cell - premitotic cell - presenter cell - prickle cell - primed lymphoid cell - primed responder cell - primitive blood cell - primitive sperm cell - primordial germ cell - progenitor cell - promotor cell - prop cell - prothallial cell - Purkinje's cell - pus cell - pyramidal cell - queen cell - quiescent cell - radiate glial cell - red blood cell - repopulating cell - reserve cell - responder cell - resting cell - restricted stem cell - reticuloendothelial cell - Rieder cell - rod cell - rod nuclear cell - rosette-forming cells - Rouget cell - royal cell - satellite glial cell - scavenger cell - Schultze's cell - Schwann's cell - secondary B cell - secretory cell - segmentated cell - segmentation cell - self cell - self-reactive cell - self-restricted cell - self-specific cell - sense cell - sensitized cell - sensory cell - Sertoli's cell - sessile phagocytic cell - sex cell - sexual cell - shadow cell - sheath cell - sickle cell - sieve cell - sister cells - skein cell - small cell of Ramon-y-Cajal - somatic cell - sperm cell - spermatogenous cell - spider cell - spiking cell - spinal ganglion cell - spindle cell - spiny epithelial cell - sporogenous cell - spot-forming cell - squamous cell - squamous epithelial cell - stab cell - staff cell - stalk cell - star cell - starlike cell - stellate cell - stellate endothelial cell - stellate nerve cell - stem cell - stimulator cell - stinging cell - stone cell - stromal cell - substituting cell - supporting cell - supporting glial cell of fiber - suppressor cell - suppressor-enriched T cells - swarm cell - switch T cell - sympathicotropic cell - sympathochromaffin cell - T suppressor-cytotoxic cell - tactile cell - tapetal cell - target binding cell - target cell - taste cell - terminal cell - testicular follicular cell - thymus-repopulating cell - T-lineage cell - totipotent cell - touch cell - T-proliferative cell - tracheidal cell - triggered cell - trophochrome cell - tumor cell - Turk irritation cell - uncommitted cell - undifferentiated cell - unprimed cell - vasoformative cell - vegetative cell - veiled cell - veto cell - virgin B cell - visual cell - wandering cell - wandering resting cell - whip cell - white blood cell - white branched epidermal cell - white cell - yeast cell - yolk cell - zymogenic cell
Англо-русский перевод CELL
Чибисова О.И., Смирнов Н.Н.. New English-Russian dictionary of biology. Новый Англо-Русский словарь по биологии. 2003