Англо-русский перевод CELL

1) клетка 2) камера; ячейка, отсек; секция 3) келья 4) кювета 5) машиностр. производственная ячейка; гибкий производственный модуль, ГПМ 6) полигр. растровая ячейка (формы глубокой печати) 7) (гальванический) элемент; (питающая) батарейка 8) метал (электролитическая) ванна, электролизёр 9) электр. банка аккумулятора • standing loss of cell — саморазряд аккумулятора to attach a cell — топ. приклеивать клетку - absolute cell - abstract cell - adherent cell - air cell - array cell - balloon cell - basic cell - Benard convection cell - binary cell - bipolar cell - cable line cell - caustic-soda cell - closed cell - combinatorial cell - continuous cell - convex cell - Daniell cell - data cell - deformation cell - disjunctive cell - double bee cell - dry cell - drying cell - effector cell - elementary cell - empty cell - filter cell - force cell - formed-type cell - fuel cell - galvanic cell - gas cell - Grove cell - Hele-Shaw cell - homology cell - homotopical cell - hot cell - icosahedral cell - inner cell - input cell - irreversible cell - Kerr cell - lead-acid cell - Leclanche cell - local cell - Meidinger cell - memory cell - mirror cell - multielement cell - n-dimensional cell - nerve cell - nickel-cadmium cell - nickel-zinc cell - normal cell - nuclear cell - one-dimensional cell - open cell - oriented cell - parametric cell - pertaining to cell - phase space cell - photoconductive cell - photovoltaic cell - pilot cell - planar cell - pocket-plate cell - polyhedral cell - primary cell - receptor cell - regular cell - regulator cell - relative cell - root cell - saturated standard cell - screen cell - secondary cell - seed cell - selenium cell - silicon solar cell - silver-cadmium cell - silver-zinc cell - simplicial cell - singular cell - soil-pressure cell - solar cell - spinning cell - stable cell - standard cell - storage cell - storage-battery cell - three-electrode cell - time cell - triangular cell - tubular-plate cell - two-dimensional cell - typical cell - ultrasonic cell - unoriented cell - unsaturated standard cell - watertight cell - waveguide cell - Weston normal cell - wet cell

English-Russian scientific and technological dictionary .      Англо-Русский научно-технический словарь.