Англо-русский перевод ROOT

1) бот. корень; пускать корни, укореняться 2) анат. корешок; корень 3) pl корнеплоды • roots in clusters — мочковатая корневая система to take root — приниматься (о растении) - additional root - adhesive root - adventitious root - aerating root - aerial root - aggressive roots - anchor root - anchoring root - brace root - branch root - breathing root - buttress root - clustered fleshy roots - contractile root - convulsion root - coronal root - creeping root - dorsal root - embryo root - excised root - feeding root - fibrous root - fleshy root - fungus root - garlic root - hair root - holdfast root - Indian root - lateral root - main root - mortification root - napiform root - nerve root - nodal root - nodose root - plank-buttress root - pneumatophore root - primordial root - prop root - racemose root - rattlesnake root - rheumatism root - secondary root - sedge root - seminal root - sensory root - serpent root - shallow root - star root - stilt root - storage root - strut root - sulfur root - supporting root - tabular root - tap root - tuberous root - turmeric root - unicorn root - ventral root

Чибисова О.И., Смирнов Н.Н.. New English-Russian dictionary of biology.      Новый Англо-Русский словарь по биологии.