Англо-русский перевод BUNDLE

1) связка; пучок; пачка || связывать; вязать пучки; собирать в пачки 2) бунт; бухта; моток 3) связка; жгут; пучок || объединять в жгут; образовывать связку или пучок 4) моток проволоки 5) тюк || тюковать 6) с.-х. сноп 7) большое количество 8) матем. расслоение 9) комплект, партия 10) стопа 11) полигр. тесьма для вязки пачек || связывать в пачки, обандероливать 12) собирать, упаковывать • base of fiber bundle — матем. база расслоения bundle with fiber — матем. расслоенное пространство to band a bundle — обвязывать бунт лентой - affine bundle - algebraic bundle - almost bundle - ample bundle - analytic bundle - analytically equivalent bundles - associated bundle - bundle of axioms - bundle of coefficients - bundle of coframes - bundle of curves - bundle of frames - bundle of geometric objects - bundle of groups - bundle of linear spaces - bundle of lines of force - bundle of lines - bundle of paper - bundle of planes - bundle of wires - canonical bundle - classifying bundle - coefficient bundle - complex bundle - complex conjugate bundle - complex conjugate bundle - complexified bundle - conjugate bundle - contravariant bundle - convergent bundle - coordinate bundle - coorientable bundle - cotangent bundle - covariant bundle - decomposable bundle - diagonal bundle - difference bundle - differentiable bundle - divisor bundle - dual bundle - fiber bundle - fiber homotopy equivalent bundles - flag bundle - flat bundle - generalized bundle - genus of bundle - holomorphic bundle - indecomposable bundle - induced bundle - integrable bundle - involutive bundle - irreducible bundle - jet bundle - line bundle - locally trivial bundle - metalinear bundle - natural vector bundle - n-dimensional bundle - negative bundle - normal bundle - n-plane bundle - n-sphere bundle - numerable bundle - one-dimensional bundle - oriented bundle - orthogonal bundle - parabolic bundle - partial bundle - perspective bundle - positive bundle - principal bundle - product bundle - production bundle - projected bundle - projective bundle - pullback bundle - quadric bundle - quasiprincipal bundle - quaternionic bundle - radial-flow bundle - real bundle - reduced bundle - relative bundle - self-conjugate bundle - self-dual bundle - shipping bundle - simple bundle - singular bundle - smooth bundle - sphere bundle - spherical bundle - spinor bundle - stable bundle - stably trivial bundle - structural bundle - subvector bundle - superfiber bundle - symplectic bundle - tensor bundle - transversally orientable bundle - tube bundle - two-dimensional bundle - uniform bundle - unit sphere bundle - unitary bundle - universal bundle - unstable bundle

English-Russian scientific and technological dictionary .      Англо-Русский научно-технический словарь.