1) канал 2) русло; фарватер; водоток 3) канава; траншея 4) выемка; желоб 5) желобок; канавка; бороздка 6) метал швеллер 7) метал боров (часть дымохода) 8) выбирать паз; делать канавку • channel with feedback — канал с обратной связью channel with memory — т. инф. канал с памятью channel with noise — канал с шумом channel with past history — ТМО канал с предысторией channel with priorities — ТМО канал с приоритетами to congest a channel — перегружать канал to relinquish a channel — освобождать канал - adjacent channel - aeronautical service channel - almost symmetric channel - asymmetric channel - balanced channel - binary channel - binary symmetric channel - block multiplexor channel - bulk channel - bypass channel - byte multiplexor channel - canonical channel - car-building channel - coherent channel - communication channel - compound channel - computation channel - control channel - correction channel - crossed channel - cue channel - decomposable channel - die channel - discrete channel - dung channel - engineering channel - epitaxial channel - equal channel - ergodic channel - escape channel - extended channel - extruded channel - finite-memory channel - finite-state channel - frequency channel - gas-escape channel - generalized channel - homogeneous channel - image channel - incoherent channel - indecomposable channel - information channel - input channel - irrigation channel - log-floating channel - logical channel - memoryless channel - metallic channel - molding channel - motor channel - multiplexor channel - noise-free channel - noisy channel - nonbinary channel - nonergodic channel - one-way channel - open-water channel - optical channel - output channel - pilot channel - radio channel - radio-relay channel - radiotelemetry channel - randomized channel - recording channel - reduced doublet channel - relay-protection channel - reproducing channel - roll-formed channel - selector channel - semicontinuous channel - semicontinuous memoryless channel - ship-building channel - signal channel - simplex channel - sound channel - spark channel - speech channel - sprue channel - stationary channel - stochastic channel - storage channel - structural channel - telegraph channel - telemeter channel - telephone channel - television channel - television video channel - threshold channel - transmission channel - triplet channel - unequal channel - variable channel - video channel - voice-frequency channel - water channel of an aqueduct - wiring channel - wrong channel
Англо-русский перевод CHANNEL
English-Russian scientific and technological dictionary . Англо-Русский научно-технический словарь. 2005