Англо-русский перевод NORM

1) норма 2) норма вектора 3) норменный 4) нормировать 5) стандарт • minimum norm property — свойство минимальной нормы (в теории сплайнов) norm compact set — компактное в нормированной топологии множество norm isomorphic spaces — изометрически изоморфные пространства norm of algebraic number — норма алгебраического числа norm preserving transformation — сохраняющее норму преобразование norm residue homomorphism — гомоморфизм норменного вычета norm residue symbol — символ норменного вычета prenex normal norm — логика предваренная нормальная норма space without norm — ненормированное пространство total variation norm — норма, определяемая полной вариацией uniformly convex norm — равномерно выпуклая норма uniformly monotonic norm — равномерно монотонная норма unitarily invariant norm — унитарно инвариантная норма - absolute norm - additive norm - associated norm - asymmetric norm - bounded norm - canonical norm - conjugate norm - coregular norm - cross norm - cubic norm - dense norm - discrete norm - divisor norm - flat norm - functional norm - global norm - graph norm - homogeneous norm - improper norm - induced norm - integral norm - internal norm - interpolating norm - intrinsic norm - invariant norm - kernel norm - lattice norm - local norm - logarithmic norm - matrix norm - maximum norm - measurable norm - mixed norm - monotonic norm - multiplicative norm - multiplier norm - negative norm - norm axiom - norm axioms - norm closure - norm convergent - norm decreasing - norm form - norm function - norm generator - norm group - norm homomorphism - norm isomorphism - norm of divisor - norm of element - norm of form - norm of function - norm of functional - norm of ideal - norm of mapping - norm of matrix - norm of number - norm of operator - norm of quaternion - norm of transformation - norm of vector - norm power - norm preserving - norm residue - norm subgroup - norm symbol - norm topology - number norm - octahedral norm - operator norm - p-adic norm - positive norm - power norm - pre-Hilbert norm - quotient norm - reduced norm - reflexive norm - relative norm - root-mean-square norm - self-associated norm - sharp norm - spectral norm - spinorial norm - strict norm - strong norm - submultiplicative norm - subordinate norm - trace norm - transitive norm - translation norm - triangular norm - trivial norm - uniform norm - unit norm - unitary norm - variation norm - vector norm - vector-valued norm - weak norm - weighted norm

English-Russian scientific and technological dictionary .      Англо-Русский научно-технический словарь.