1) возможный 2) напряжение 3) потенциал 4) потенциальный 5) силовая функция 6) статический • abstraction of potential realizability — абстракция потенциальной осуществимости centrally symmetric potential — центрально симметричный потенциал coefficient of potential diffusivity — физ. коэффициент потенциалопроводности compound action potential — суммарный потенциал entire function of potential type — целая функция экспоненциального [показательного] типа, целая функция конечной степени escape potential barrier — преодолевать потенциальный барьер logarithmic potential theory — теория логарифмического потенциала magnetic difference of potential — магнитное напряжение magnetic potential difference — разность магнитных потенциалов point at zero potential — точка с нулевым потенциалом potential of population to increase — размножаемость potential solution tree — потенциальное дерево решения rise of potential at electrode — возрастание потенциала на электрод space charge potential — потенциал объемного заряда spherically symmetric potential — сферически симметричный потенциал two-dimensional potential theory — двумерная теория потенциала uniformly convergent potential — равномерно сходящийся потенциал - abstract potential - accelerating potential - action potential - advanced potential - anharmonic potential - attraction potential - attractive potential - automorphic potential - balayage potential - bounded potential - capacitory potential - complex potential - Coulomb potential - datum potential - delayed potential - effective potential - elliptic potential - equilibrium potential - excessive potential - exchange potential - field potential - finite potential - firing potential - force potential - force-field potential - four-dimensional potential - generalized potential - grid potential - ground potential - ignition potential - intensifier potential - invariant potential - Lennard-Jones potential - local potential - logarithmic potential - magnetic potential - multivalued potential - newtonian potential - nonlinear potential - normed potential - pair potential - parabolic potential - polyharmonic potential - Poschl-Teller potential - positive potential - potential acidity - potential barrier - potential compactness - potential equalizer - potential equation - potential error - potential field - potential flow - potential head - potential infinity - potential kernel - potential line - potential loss - potential measure - potential motion - potential observation - potential of function - potential of gravitation - potential of measure - potential operator - potential realizability - potential recursion - potential recursiveness - potential space - potential surface - potential theory - potential well - potential winding - pure potential - reference potential - regular potential - repulsive potential - resting potential - retarded potential - reverse potential - right-continuous potential - scalar potential - spatial potential - static potential - supermodular potential - support of potential - surface potential - symmetric potential - tensor potential - thermodynamic potential - three-dimensional potential - vector potential - volume potential - wave potential - zero potential
Англо-русский перевод POTENTIAL
English-Russian scientific and technological dictionary . Англо-Русский научно-технический словарь. 2005