Англо-русский перевод STRATEGY

стратегия, линия поведения completely mixed strategy — вполне смешанная стратегия effectively countable strategy — эффективно счетная стратегия estimation [evaluation] strategy — стратегия оценивания globally optimal strategy — глобально оптимальная стратегия locally optimal strategy — локально оптимальная стратегия mixed strategy game — игра со смешанной стратегией optimal strategy set — множество оптимальных стратегий permanently optimal strategy — постоянно оптимальная стратегия play [use] strategy — применять стратегию playable strategy pair — пара стратегий игры pure strategy game — игра с чистой стратегией pure strategy solution — т. игр решение в чистых стратегиях strictly dominated strategy — строго доминированная стратегия strongly optimal strategy — сильно оптимальная стратегия - adaptive strategy - admissible strategy - alternative strategy - approximative strategy - available strategy - basic strategy - best strategy - bold strategy - cautious strategy - combined strategy - composite strategy - conditional strategy - conservative strategy - constant strategy - control strategy - correlated strategy - decision strategy - defensive strategy - deletion strategy - deterministic strategy - discrete strategy - discriminating strategy - disturbance strategy - dominated strategy - dominating strategy - duplicated strategy - duplicating strategy - effective strategy - elementary strategy - empirical strategy - equilibrium strategy - equilizing strategy - essential strategy - evasion strategy - exploratory strategy - extended strategy - extremal strategy - feedback strategy - flexible strategy - forecasting strategy - game of strategy - good strategy - inadmissible strategy - independent strategy - inferior strategy - invariant strategy - joint strategy - linear strategy - maximal strategy - maximin strategy - mean strategy - measurable strategy - minimal strategy - minimax strategy - mixed strategy - multistage strategy - natural strategy - nonlosing strategy - nonrandomized strategy - null strategy - optimal strategy - ordering strategy - overcautious strategy - permissible strategy - playable strategy - poor strategy - positional strategy - proportional strategy - pure strategy - pursuit strategy - recursive strategy - remaining strategy - safe strategy - sampling strategy - search strategy - sequential strategy - signaling strategy - simplification strategy - special strategy - stagnant strategy - stationary strategy - strategy construction - strategy determination - strategy formulation - strategy generation - strategy making - strategy n-tuple - strategy of behavior - strategy of play - strategy of proof - strategy of replacement - strategy pair - strategy selection - strategy space - strategy vector - strict strategy - strong strategy - suboptimal strategy - superfluous strategy - symmetric strategy - thrifty strategy - undominated strategy - univalent strategy - useful strategy - week strategy - winning strategy

English-Russian scientific and technological dictionary .      Англо-Русский научно-технический словарь.