Англо-русский перевод NETWORK

1) сеть 2) схема • - ac network - active network - adjustment network - all-pass network - analog cellular network - asynchronous network - automatic secure voice communication network - automatic voice network - average-capacity radio-relay network - backbone network - banyan network - baseband network - baseband-switched network - baseline network - branched network - bridged-T network - broadband integrated-service digital network - building-out network - bus network - butterfly network - cable telephone network - cable-news network - cable-television network - carrier recovery network - CATV network - cellular paging network - cellular radio network - circuit-switched network - circuit-switching network - circular radiocommunication network - closed cellular network - combined distribution network - commercial communcation network - common-telegraph network - common-telephone network - common-user network - communication network - compromise network - computer network - computerized transport communication network - conferencing network - coordinate network - copy network - core network - corporate network - corporative network - corrective network - coupling network - cross-connect network - customer network - damaged network - data-communication network - data-computing network - data-transmission network - decoding network - decoupling network - deemphasis network - Deep-Space network - degraded network - delay-line network - democratic network - democratically-synchronized network - departmental communication network - departmental data-transmission network - departmental engineering communication network - departmental facsimile network - departmental radio network - departmental telegraph network - departmental telephone network - derived-services network - despotic network - despotically-synchronized network - dial network - dial-up network - differentiating network - digital cellular network - discrete communication network - dispersed network - district center telephone network - district telephone network - dual network - electric communication networks - electric switched network - electrically switched network - engineering subscribers network - enhanced other networks - equivalent network - expansion network - facsimile-communication network - federal paging network - fiber-hubbed network - fiber-optical network - flip network - four-pole network - four-wire distribution network - full-service network - gas-pipeline servicing relay network - go-around radio network - group channels network - group network - half-open cellular network - hierarchic computer network - hierarchical computer network - hierarchically-synchronized network - high-capacity radio relay network - highly hierarchical network - highly pipelined network - H-network - homogeneous network - hybrid communication network - hybrid fiber-and-coaxial network - inductance network - inductance-capacitance network - inductance-resisitance network - inductive cable network - information network - in-house network - integrated digital communication network - integrated digital network - integrated transport network - integrated-services backbone network - integrated-services digital network - intelligent network - interactive network - interbuilding network - intercity network - intercom network - international communication network - interoffice transit network - interorganization network - intraairport communication network - intraareal network - intrabuilding communication network - intraindustrial communication network - intraindustrial telephone network - intraobject communication network - intraoffice network - joint-academic network - landing radio network - lead network - leased-line network - line communication network - line radio communication network - linear network - line-building-out network - local communication network - local paging network - local telephone network - local transport network - long distance communication network - loop network - loudspeaker dividing network - main network - managed-data network - mesh network - message switching network - meteorological radio network - metropolitan-area network - microwave network - mid-split network - mine telephone network - Ministry of Communication network - mixed network - modem-based network - monochannel network - multiaccess network - multifrequency network - multilayer network - multipath network - multiple-domain network - multiple-switching network - multiring network - multistation network - multisystem network - mutually-synchronized network - narrowband digital integrated-service network - nation-wide network - n-layer network - NMT network - nodeless network - nonhomogeneous network - nonintegrated network - nonswitched network - nonsynchronous network - oil-pipeline servicing relay network - oligarchically-synchronized network - open cellular network - optoelectronic network - originating-switching network - packet wireless communication network - packet-radio network - packet-switching network - parallel-T network - passenger train-chief radio network - passenger train-master radio network - passive network - personal radio network - phase-correcting network - planetext network - polled network - port-annunciation network - preemphasis network - press-teletype network - primary-trunk communication network - private intercompany network - private voice-band network - private-business network - proliferated network - protected network - provincial center telephone network - public-data network - public-switched telephone network - public-telegraph network - public-transport network - pulse-delay network - pulse-forming network - queueing network - radial paging network - radio network - radiotransmitters network - railway center radio network - railway communication network - railway telephone network - random-access network - Raynet network - RC network - reconfigured network - regional communication network - regional paging network - reserved radio network - resistance-capacitance network - ring network - ring-radial network - ring-star network - road communication network - routing network - rural telephone network - salvation radio network - satellite network - secondary computerized communication network - selective network - separate crossover network - shaping network - ship telephone network - short-haul network - shuffle-exchange network - silent network - simplex zonal radio network - simulcast network - single-frequency network - slotted-envelope network - slotted-ring network - small-capacity radio relay network - software-defined network - space network - space-time-space network - special communication network - spread of work radio communication network - stage-controlled network - star network - star-shape network - station communication network - submarine cable network - subscriber's telegraph network - switched-message network - switching network - synchronous-data network - take-off radio network - talk-TV network - taxi radio network - telecode communication network - telecommunication network - telecommunication-management network - telegraph communication network - telephone network - teleprocessing network - teletex network - teletype network - teletypewriter network - television network - telex-communication network - temporary line dispatch radio network - terminating switching network - token passing network - token-bus network - token-ring network - token-sharing network - toll-telephone network - transit network - transmission network - trunk telephone network - trunking channels network - underground antenna network - united automatized state communication network - urban telephone network - video area network - virtual network - voice network - water-communication network - waterside communication network - wire-hanger network - wireless network - word processor network

Александров А.В.. English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications.      Англо-Русский словарь по телекоммуникациям.